Likely we've all noticed that on the two major JW discussion forums the most active forums are the "Singles or Dating" forums.
It would appear that there is an increasingly large number of single parents appearing in the congregations these days for whatever reason.
I admire these ones for the effort they put forth to bring their children up taking on the role of both parents.
From many of their comments in the "singles " forums, it appears many find being a single parent an extreme liability in "the truth" as far as finding a mate goes. I wonder if JW culture has something to do with how these ones are viewed as prospective marriage mates vs. the mentality in the "world".
As far the single people go, there appears to be almost a certain desperation to get married, further scaring off potential mates.
The Society's advice for pioneers to marry pioneers, or for sisters to look for brothers with "titles" appears to throw more snags into the equation.
Anyone else have any thoughts on this? It seems people are either desperate to get married, or desperate to get out of their marriage. I'm not saying there are not happily married couples, just that the large number of younger people will likely make this a more prominent issue in the future if it isn't already one.