The Saturday Paper

by smiddy 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • smiddy

    Hi Barbara , and ex J.W`s

    i just thought I would fill you in on the first issue of the Saturday paper in Australia which was march the 1st 2014 , with a first edition of 100,000 papers,

    I believe it currently covers sections of Victoria , Canberra , and sections of New South Wales.

    Morry Schwartz and the Monthly Quarterly Essay seem to be the prime backers.

    While I applaud the article of the 1st of August against J.W`s and wish this had got more widespread coverage , the fact remains that this publication has limited distribution .

    With your high profile could you help to get this article from "The Saturday paper" more widely distributed across the world ? .I have never seen an article that was so damning against the society , and it would be such a revelation to so many people witness and non witnesses .

    And for that matter anybody else who could do so , it`s not just Jehovah`s Witnesses who need to be protected from this cult , it is also to protect unsuspecting future victims. , the young and any who are vulnerable .


  • jwleaks

    Syndication is the way for The Saturday Paper to get international exposure.

    The Saturday Paper


    Well for what its worth smiddy a couple of us back here in South Africa have spread it on every e-mail we have in our contacts - it was a beautifully written article btw ! And will continue to post it on to other media agencies.

    I know that the piece which appeared in our News24 Channel was picked up by a lot of Borgites! One is in my family - Have also pissed off most of the Borgian FB "friends" I have had with it - they have unfriended like a Tsunami!

  • Petraglyph
    I'm posting select articles/videos on Facebook. This is one I've shared.
  • smiddy

    Thank`s , guys thank you for your response`s , I have since on another thread had to eat my words as to the distribution of this paper , it`s obviously far more widespread than I thought here in Australia.

    Thank you jwleaks for bringing to my attention Syndication


    .I am impressed my friend that in South Africa this article written by a journalist in an Australian newspaper is doing the rounds , due to your efforts , by e-mail ., and you and/or your friends are being shunned because of this disclosure ?

    If it`s not too hard could you explain what Borgites! means ? and what Borgian friends mean ?

    Bear with me I`m an Australian ,and i`ll admit I can be a bit thick at times..,,,,Just ask my wife.


  • barry

    Borgites and borgian I believe comes from Star trek and the borg is the enemy . You must have seen it 'resistance is futile' and you will be assimilated'. Many XJWs identify the Borg with the organisation.

  • smiddy

    Thanks barry ,I should have picked up on that ,being an early star trek fan also .


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