a relative came around the other day and gave me 2 little books that they got at a recent assembly.
i cam across this paragrapgh concerning apostates under the sub heading....
(paragraph 11..page 244...book entitiled..."draw close to jehovah")
"Jehovah sifts the good from the bad"
..as Jehovah searches through us, he carfully sifts, looking for the good. For instance, when jehovah decreed that the entire apostate dynasty of King Jeroboam was to be excuted, He ordered that one of the king's sons, Abijah, be given a decent burial. Why? "Something good toward Jehovah the God of Israel has b4en found in him" (1 Kings 14:1, 10 - 13).
Jehovah, in effect, sifted through the heart of that young man and found "something good" there. However small or insignificant that bit of good may have been, Jehovah found it worth noting in his Word. He even rewarded it, showing appropriate degree of mercy to that one member of an apostate household.
So, there is hope for some apostates, not all gloom like they preach (my opinion)