Tell 'Em You're Allergic!

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Here's another way to fade away from meetings and field service that some Witnesses
    have found success with.

    You're allergic to the Kingdom Hall.

    Don't laugh, this works! All Kingdom Halls have some dust, mold, mildew,
    or perfume floating around. You just sit in the back with a tissue in your hand
    and walk out occassionaly to get 'fresh air'.

    Gradually, you stop attending. When elders show up, sneeze a bit and tell them
    your problem is chronic. If they want to pipe in the meetings on the phone, play
    along for awhile - then stop answering the phone.

    I'm not kidding you, this works well for some people - even elder/C.O. wives
    use it to advantage! ( OK, before you throw bricks at me, I know some people
    have real problems with allergies - but what the heck, illnesses also have
    a strong EMOTIONAL component - that Witness enslavement can aggravate)

    Try it!

    ..... but try not to giggle while you're at it.


  • Francois

    Sick buildings are a real phenomena. Some companies have had to abandon newly constructed buildings because combinations of chemicals in carpets, paint, furniture finishes, glazing compounds, etc. combine in such a manner as to make people very ill.

    In a kingdom hall the same thing can happen. It doesn't have to be new construction, either. The WT uses the cheapest paper it can find, the lowest quality inks and bindery materials. I know most of you have been in multiple khs and they all have a similiar smell. That smell is from a combination of cheap construction materials and cheap publication materials, plus baby upchuck, cheap perfumes and aftershaves, etc. Plus there's the usual mildew in windowless buildings and the, erm, shall we call it "sewer gas" that accumulates in such a building. Most JWs in my experience don't know a thing about the "courtesy flush" and so there is much intestinal gas added to this soup of various gasses. One good lightening bolt and life might flash into existence. Ya never know.

    This is as slick a reason not to go to a kh as I've ever heard of and I'm damned disappointed in myself for not thinking of it myself.

    Way to go. This has great potential.

  • troucul

    Francois, I had no idea. I always wondered why the water bubbler at our hall always smelled like ass.

    Thanks for the info.

  • wednesday

    yes, this is a very good way to avoid 99% of the meeting and service. I know a lot of sis with allergies /depresson, anxiety atacks. The elders have been throughly spooked to discredit a sis(esp if she is elders wife) . Bad backs, good too.,esp for the brothers. allergies work too, but i se more women with allergies. It all sounds sort of synical, but it really will work. We have all seen it work . No arguing just u are ill. and then if u screw up-well tell them your illness has left u spirtually weak.

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