Explanation needed on Iraq war/oil quote....

by back2dafront 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • back2dafront

    Can someone explain to me what this quote really means? I still don't quite understand how the oil business works - I don't get how falling oil prices would effect Russia's economy - seems like it would be the opposite?? Also, some have argued that the war w/ Iraq is NOT about oil - does this support this or argue against it or have no relevance? Any comments greatly appreciated...

    (i'm signing up for an Economics class next semester) :-)


    With war on the horizon once again, Russia wants assurances that military action in Iraq won't jeopardize its economic interests with Baghdad or drop oil prices so low that it hurts Moscow's already ailing economy.

    Though there was little talk about the issue Friday, Bush has assured Putin he will do what it can on both counts, administration officials said. They said Moscow may be overestimating America's influence in a postwar Iraq.

    Putin fears that lifting the U.N. trade sanctions on Iraq after a war could trigger an influx of Western oil interests that would collapse oil prices. The administration officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Russia has been told the United States cannot control oil markets, but Bush has long supported efforts to keep oil prices stable.

  • IronGland

    I think Russia's main concern is that Iraq owe's Russia quite a bit of money and they want to be assured that a post Saddam regime will honor those debt's.

  • JH
    I don't get how falling oil prices would effect Russia's economy

    Well, I think that Russia is an oil exporting country. So they want the price to be high enough so that they can make a profit. If the oil is priced too low, then they make no profit on the oil they sell.

  • Bendrr

    "F" Russia! They need to figure out which side their bread's buttered on.


  • IronGland

    Obviously they must need money bendrr. Continuing democratic reform in Russia is by no means guaranteed, and their economy going even further down the toilet would not help things. I don't think Putin is against us on Iraq,bt he is the President of Russia and his primary resposibilty is to look after his own country's interest.

  • WildHorses

    Hey Back2,

    I sent you an e-mail a while back but I don't think you got it. Would you mind e-mailing me? Just wanted to talk with you about you aunt Lena and uncle Rudy.


  • IronGland

    Hijack threads often?

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