Hello everyone,
How can we reconcile these quotes;
*** km 12/87 3 Anticipating the Needs of the Harvest ***
3 In the September 1983 Our Kingdom Ministry, the point was made that Kingdom Hall construction had not kept pace with the formation of new congregations. Why? The article stated: “Basically the problem is economic. Whereas it is true that some expansion into outlying areas has been difficult or impossible because the brothers have not been able to build or otherwise provide appropriate Kingdom Halls in those areas, the problem the organization faces today primarily is found in the urban areas where property values have skyrocketed to such an extent that individual congregations, including large ones, have been unable to purchase even a site for the construction of a Kingdom Hall. In addition, exorbitant real estate prices have placed existing buildings suitable for conversion into Kingdom Halls out of the reach of the brothers.” The brothers have responded wholeheartedly to this need and many Kingdom Halls have now been constructed in such urban areas.
*** km 12/88 4 Manifesting Faith by Fine Works ***
8 There is much that each congregation can do to support the Kingdom Hall construction program. For instance, congregations contemplating undertaking new construction projects can select a simple design that will neither be costly nor require intensive labor. (Compare Philippians 1:10.) The Society has available a variety of Kingdom Hall plans that are compatible with the method of construction used for quickly built halls. (Please note the December 1986 Our Kingdom Ministry insert, paragraphs 10-12.) While we look forward to Jehovah’s blessing upon our congregations, we must also be practical in our building design so as to meet the need, without placing an unnecessary burden on either the friends or the resources of the Society Kingdom Hall Fund.
9 Some congregations have included in their Kingdom Hall design a modest apartment that can be used by a traveling overseer while serving in the area. In the future, congregations building Kingdom Halls that will be centrally located in the circuit may want to consider whether it would be practical to include a room where the circuit overseer and his wife can be accommodated.
10 When undertaking a Kingdom Hall building project, the need for local financial support can be discussed frankly with the congregation(s) involved. The more finances the brothers provide locally with both contributions and loans, the less they will need to borrow. This allows more of the resources of the Kingdom Hall Fund to be available for other congregations to use in building their Kingdom Halls.
11 Some congregations, after requesting assistance from the Society Kingdom Hall Fund and being advised that they would have to wait because moneys were not available at the time, have then found sufficient loans and contributions available locally to complete their project. It is good to check thoroughly the availability of such funds before requesting help. (Luke 14:28-30)
*** km 12/88 5 Manifesting Faith by Fine Works ***
Even though a congregation follows this procedure, a Society Kingdom Hall Fund contribution box conveniently located in the Kingdom Hall will enable individuals desiring to do so to make voluntary contributions to the fund. Any moneys placed in this contribution box should be forwarded to the Society in addition to those covered by the congregation’s resolution. Individuals may also make direct contributions to the fund, sending their remittances to the Society with an accompanying letter specifying the purpose of the contribution.
With THESE INFORMATIONS - not from the WTS - but nevertheless factual and true:
"Mililani Town is Castle & Cooke Hawaii's master-planned residential development adjacent to the Mililani Technology Park. A thriving community of over 35,000 residents, Mililani is a complete community with a variety of schools, churches, shopping centers, parks, recreation centers and a public library serving the area.
Mililani's high quality lifestyle is reflected in its 1986 "All-America City Award." No other community in Hawaii has received this prestigious recognition.
The State Farm Claims Center had its grand opening on September 4, 1996, which was well attended by State Farm executives and public officials.
In addition to the State Farm Claims Center, the State Farm Agency Field Office, a support office for the many sales offices on Oahu, Maui and the Big Island, renovated and moved into 2,000 square feet of brand new office space at the Leilehua Building.
Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc.
2055 Kamehameha IV Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
Phone: (808) 842-1100
A multi-national, nonprofit Bible educational group, the Watchtower will use its new 53,000-square-foot building at MTP for its Watchtower Educational Center - Pacific. The educational center will be comprised of four conference rooms and one auditorium equipped with multimedia audio/visual equipment with multi-language capabilities to accommodate conferences, seminars and training classes.
And this:
In Depth: Commercial Real Estate
From the June 6, 1997 print edition
"But according to Nathan Wong, assistant to the branch manager at The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, there is a great need for these types of facilities.
Better known as the Jehovah's Witnesses, the socitety recently opened a $20 million, 130,000-square-foot facility at the Mililani Technology Park.
The group established an educational and meeting facility -- situated on 3.4 acres next to Oceanic Cable -- called the Watchtower Educational Center Pacific.
The center will house programs based on practical direction from the bible geared toward businesses and community organizations.
Because of its massive size, the group has been approached by individuals wanting to rent the site for personal events but Wong said the building will remain purely for bible educational meetings.
The center features a main auditorium large enough to fit 1,500 visitors, smaller meeting rooms, and a multimedia facility housed with the latest in electronic devices.
The group also provides resource handouts and seminars for a variety of issues such as sexual harassment and job-related issues -- services that are purely voluntary.
In fact, Wong said some businesses and community leaders have already ordered reprints of articles the group produced. "Our materials are not that religiously oriented," Wong said.
With fiber-optic capabilities, the center has the ability to hook up to other headquarters around the country and to colleges via the Internet.
The society received assistance from volunteers all over the world to help design and construct the building that was two years in the making.
"We're looking around to open possibly more sites in the future," Wong said.
And the society -- which has 300 members in the area -- is continuing its quest to build a larger presence in the Islands with its 24,200-square-foot two-story meeting hall being built at the former Ranch House site in Aina Haina.
The Jehovah's Witnesses -- who rely heavily on donations to operate -- purchased the 60,890-square-foot site for $3.6 million to build a facility for both prayer and education. Construction is scheduled for completion in October. "
I don't want to make too long but comparing some quotes from the KMs and the
"reality " of WTS actions….- see these ex.:
(Km)"property values " and " exorbitant real estate prices"
*** The Jehovah's Witnesses -- who rely heavily on donations to operate -- purchased the 60,890-square-foot site for $3.6 million to build a facility for both prayer and education.
*** the socitety recently opened a $20 million, 130,000-square-foot facility at the Mililani Technology Park
(Km) " placed existing buildings suitable for conversion into Kingdom Halls out of the reach of the brothers"
*** situated on 3.4 acres next to Oceanic Cable -- called the Watchtower Educational Center Pacific.
(Km) "select a simple design that will neither be costly nor require intensive labor"
*** The society received assistance from volunteers all over the world to help design and construct the building that was two years in the making.
*** Because of its massive size,
*** the Watchtower will use its new 53,000-square-foot building
*** But according to Nathan Wong, assistant to the branch manager at The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, there is a great need for these types of facilities.
(Km) "without placing an unnecessary burden on either the friends or the resources of the Society Kingdom Hall Fund."
*** And the society -- which has 300 members in the area -- is continuing its quest to build a larger presence in the Islands with its 24,200-square-foot two-story meeting hall being built at the former Ranch House site in Aina Haina.
*** With fiber-optic capabilities, the center has the ability to hook up to other headquarters around the country and to colleges via the Internet.
(Km) "Kingdom Hall Fund to be available for other congregations to use in building their Kingdom Halls."
*** The center features a main auditorium large enough to fit 1,500 visitors, smaller meeting rooms, and a multimedia facility housed with the latest in electronic devices.
*** The group also provides resource handouts and seminars for a variety of issues such as sexual harassment and job-related issues -- services that are purely voluntary.
In case you should think it is finished , take courage…:
"We're looking around to open possibly more sites in the future," Wong said."
Any comments??
Agape J.C.MacHislopp
PS I'm sure it did not escape to you the
statement about the local number of J.W. :
"And the society -- which has 300 members in the area --"