To my secret gift getter, be looking for a package come Monday or Tuesday..........Now you all have to figure out who it is, cause I ain't tellin
by Been there 3 Replies latest jw friends
To my secret gift getter, be looking for a package come Monday or Tuesday..........Now you all have to figure out who it is, cause I ain't tellin
Been there,
What a tease!
Me a tease? Who just answered the door in his birthday suit?
Finally got mine sent out the other day. I wanted it to remain a secret, but with it going out of country, thought it would be good having a return address, etc. Besides, I made a couple of the items and wanted the person to know how talented I am hahahaha No more clues, either.
Last night I decorated the tree while hubby made a coconut pie. Hey, if anyone is interested in the recipe for that pie, it has no sugar, just honey. It's all mixed in the blender and just couldn't be any easier to make.