The 1995 edition of the "Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life" book states on page 122 paragraph 11:
Those living together as husband and wife should make sure that their marriage has been properly registered with the civil authorities. (Mar 12:17) They also need to view wedlock as a serious responsibility. True, separation might become necessary in cases of willful nonsupport, extreme abuse, or the absolute endangerment of spirituality.
OK. Now what if a sister who finds out the scum of a brother she is married to has molested her little girl or boy and decides to separate on the grounds of extreme abuse and absolute spiritual endangerment.
If there are not two witnesses to the abuse the elders will not act, yet she might still act on her own and seek at the least a legal separation in accord with what she was taught in the Knowledge book.
Will there be repercussions from the elders for this? Also, would she not need to explain to her friends the why of her action in order to maintain her own reputation in the congregation?
Edited by - IslandWoman on 23 November 2002 16:3:21