Recently somebody posted here something about cooneyites. I made a little research and was amazed how similar cooneyites are to jw's. They do not believe trinity, they think they are unique and only true christians because of they preaching method, they shun their "apostates", they have obligatory meetings, even 3 conventions every year, they do not celebrate christmas, they even predicted that world will end august 1914 etc.
Of course they have some differences too - they believe in hell, they do not preach Jehovah's name ...
And then there are christadelphians who do not believe trinity, the hell ... also quite similar to jw's
How many religious organizations are there who a just like jw-s!?
And it is weird that so much cults appeared almost at the same time who had almost the same doctrines. And all they think they are very unique!!
Well, i do not have something special to say about this, just wanted to know your thoughts.
Links about the cooneyites: