Offensive NASCAR joke

by Bendrr 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    What do Dale Earnheardt and Pink Floyd have in common?

    Their last big hit was "the wall".


    Edited by - bendrr on 23 November 2002 17:50:56

  • back2dafront

    awww man...c'mon...

    the first NASCAR race I went to was the '89 Winston at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Dale got run off the track into the grass, came back onto the track, passed Bill Elliot and Geoff Bodine and WON.

    That dude sure could drive a car....


  • mike047

    Yes, He could drive.....BUT there is only ONE king of NASCAR.......RICHARD.

  • lauralisa

    Shameless plug here:

    DIRT TO DAYTONA (published by Infogrammes: hapless marketers and produced by MONSTER GAMES, INC, prevailing computer game rock stars)

    PS2 and Gamecube

    Awesome game, and I can give cheat codes upon request

    I vote for Matt Kenseth, just because I can

  • back2dafront

    Yeah.....Richard was the man.

    But Dale was the INTIMADATOR.

    Almost like comparing the Beatles to Led Zeppelin. The Beatles were THE rock n roll pioneers, but Zeppelin just plain kicked ASS.


  • talley

    Have to agree with mike; Richard is KING, but Dale Earnhardt was GOD.

    Matt Kenseth is cool -- He is from WISCONSIN !!!

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    Hehehehehe, that's funny.

    I've never been able to understand how NASCAR is so popular. I live in an area that worships it and many members of my family will travel long distances to watch it but I just can't see what's so great about it, especially Dale Earnhardt. A guy intimidates other people who are big and famous because they can drive in big circles faster than the other guys intimidates them, refused to wear safety devices (HANS device I believe its called), and then, big shocker, when intimidating someone slams his car into a wall and dies (which may have been prevented had he been wearing his HANS). I'm sorry, I just cannot see that as some big tragic thing that deserves large ammounts of grief. If someone wants to drive a car in circles and extremely high speeds while "intimidating" other people who are trying to attain higher speeds and refusing to wear safety devices because it makes him uncomfortable that's just evolution working its course to get rid of certain types of people.

    And in case you're wondering, I have no problems going on about how horrible the JW's are to family, even those who are die hard JW's. Trashing NASCAR, or even racing in general, is a different story. Saying what I think of religion in general wouldn't be nearly as bad as saying what I think of NASCAR in my family. I guess there is a good side to this board being anonomous after all!

  • Reborn2002

    that's just evolution working its course to get rid of certain types of people.

    Amen. If these jackasses want to drive 225 mph on an short track within enclosed quarters and then not wear safety equipment which may very well save their life.. they get what's coming to them.

    In my opinion this tragedy serves a purpose. It narrows the gene pool and rids us of morons who have no comprehension of common sense and safety. Same thing applies to these teenage kids who watch Jackass on MTV and then set themselves on fire.

    I shed not one tear for Dale Earnhardt and any of the other race car drivers who die in accidents.

  • back2dafront

    Well, before you automatically label someone as a moron, take into consideration the sport has been around for decades. The HANS device is a relatively new device, and the speeds reached now in NASCAR are SLOWER than they have been in the past. Point being, true it's a very dangerous sport, and the wise thing to do would be to take every precautionary measure possible, but it's not like guys get killed in accidents like his ALL of the time. I don't keep up w/ NASCAR as much anymore, but fatalities aren't all that common. There are a TON of accidents that happen, and most of the time guys walk away from them unscathed or slightly shaken up/bruised up. There are a ton of measures taken to make those cars as safe as humanly possible. Look at the wreck Richard Petty was in years ago. The dude rolled over MANY times starting from full speed practically and only thing that happened to him was he broke an ankle. Years later Dale hits a wall and is killed, something that is done almost every was just a freak, tragic event.

    The attraction to the sport can't really be explained. It's something you have to experience in person in order to appreciate. Seriously....I wasn't prone to motor sports that much, and NASCAR had no appeal to me at ALL, but my dad got ticketes and practically dragged me to a race. You have so much more appreciation for it as you stand 20 feet from the track and see how these guys maneuver around each other at 220mph, inches apart. It's amazing, and anyone who appreciates the sound of a highly tuned performance engine will also feel the blood pump through his veins when they start the engines and start rumbling around the track. The anticipation of the green flag is intense, and when it drops, the sound of those engines roaring is enough to make one orgasm.

    plus the whole attraction to it is the battle between car manufacturers. Chevy vs. Ford kinda thing. Easy to get sucked into once you're exposed to it all.

    Take it from a man who's culture isn't quite the most poplular to be involved in NASCAR racing. No joke, you could count the amount of "brothas" in the crowd on one hand. I ain't trippin over it though....It's all good though.

    Go figure. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  • Bendrr

    Ok, Ok, Ok! Let's not get carried away here.

    I like NASCAR too, but when I heard the joke I thought it was worth sharing.

    Note that I did label the post "Offensive".



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