The CEO of Ingham's Chickens manages to arrange a meeting with the Pope at the Vatican. After receiving the papal blessing, he whispers, "Your eminence, we have an offer for you. Ingham's is prepared to donate $100 million to the church if you change the Lord's Prayer from "give us our daily bread" to "give us our daily chicken." The P ope responds, "That's impossible. The prayer is the word of the Lord and must not be changed." "Well," says the Ingham' man, "we anticipated your reluctance, for this reason we are prepared to offer you $300 million. All that we require is that you change the Lords Prayer from "give us our daily bread" to "give us our daily chicken." Again, t he Pope responds, "That's my son is impossible. For t he prayer is the word of the Lord and must not be changed." Finally, the Ingham's guy say, "your Holiness, we at Ingham's respect your adherence to your faith, but we do have one final offer. We will donate $500 million-that's half a billion dollars-to the Great Catholic Church if you would only change the Lord's Prayer from "give us our daily bread" to "give us our daily chicken. Please consider it" And he leaves. The next day the Pope convenes the College of Cardinals. "There is some good news and there is somebad news" he annouces. "The good news is that the Church will come into $500 million." "And the bad news" asks a Cardinal. "We are losing the Tip Top Account."
A joke with an Australian flavour
by why144000 7 Replies latest social humour
Love it!!
VERY funny!!!
Tip Top would be an aussie brand name of bread, I presume?
Correct, COMF. Inghams is one of the largest, if not THE largest, supplier of poultry products in Australia.
I heard one :
My nose is so big, movie theaters now sell popcorn in sizes small, medium, large and my nose.
PS Other body parts may freely be interchanged with "nose".