Here is an example of just how stupid the attitude of some congregations seems to be. I'm sure we've all seen this example of stupid circular economics in action. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
End of the world - just around the corner.
Don't get an education or a job - end of the world is near.
Need a job in order to keep up with the buying of designer suits or dresses, a new BMW or oh yeah, a newly built home would be nice too. Also, must have $$$ to give to CO when he comes, and to put in box every week. You want to be a good example, don't you?
Should have a JW family. Takes $$$$ to have one, and all of the above mentioned. Better get a job.
Get education, then job. Education bad, nothing but a "Worldly Pursuit." Can't have that. Now what?
Somehow supposed to magically own construction business, or other well off position in which you make tons of $$$ while being able to go out in service 70 hours a month.
No education & no job = working as a janitor, or cleaning houses and/or business of well off JW's. (for next to nothing)
Custodial job = NO designer suits or dresses, no BMW, no newly built house, nothing to give to CO or box. Oh yeah, working like a dog 60 hours a week in order to make ends meet, means no 70 hours of field service a month. You are a BAD example, and of course, "spiritually weak." What is wrong with YOU???? Don't you want to make it through the end of the world??
End of the world = Being a non-rich (poor) JW in almost any congregation today.
If all of you can't tell, I'm pretty sick of the hypocrasy, materialism, money cliques, "showey displays", and snickering attitudes of most of the JW's. The real message to interested ones looking for the truth in today's JW's is, "if you have money, walk right in, you're a king.......if you're poor, find your own ride to the meetings, you poor little worm." I find this to be typical. You are supposed to raise a JW family in the truth, and somehow support them, but at the same time not have a good job or money in which to do so. Case in point - there was a JW guy in my old congregation, great looking, tall, dark, handsome, about 30. He was nice, and all the girls wanted him. Of course, he still lived at home with his parents, and because he was so BRAINWASHED by everything they said from little on up, he had no education or real job. (home schooled too, go figure) He detailed and washed cars for a living. A crap job. And of course, all the JW girls thought he was cute, but since he didn'thave the $$$$$$$ they wouldn't dare marry him. No matter how spiritual he was. What a bunch of MONEY GRUBBING PARASITES............the girls will suck the money out of a man, but won't suck his (fill in the blank). How fitting for a bunch of money loving hypocrites!!!
Wing Commander