Did you know any brothers and sisters that attend(ed) meetings regularly, but deep inside seem(ed) to be very unhappy about being a witness? I ask this question because many people are just blind followers, who don't dare question the leaders and follow like sheep.
Unhappy Believers
by JH 8 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, that's pretty much me. Bored to tears, tired of everything, didn't go out in service, didn't fit into the cliques or typical JW mold, etc. Pretty much just went so that people wouldn't bother me. Also, so my parents would get off of my back.
Got sick of hearing, "you should be more like such-an-such." Typical JW comparison guilt trip. Or, "You should be more like Christ." How's that? Christ was perfect! How in the %&^ am I supposed to be perfect like Christ?? Opps. Guess Jesus didn't swear. Pardon me. lol. :)
Wing Commander
- When you are as high as I am, you can see the REAL truth from up here!!
I think most hated going, or still do. They go because of fear, or don't know any better.
I think few are those that are excited about being a witness.
I knew some who were only going to keep peace in the family.
That was funny wing...really. I was so terribly bored at meetings. how could I encourage my kids to take notes when I was sitting there counting how many sisters were wearing floral skirts, AGAIN. I would look to see if sister so and so had colored her hair again, she always had a new shade. And how on earth did brother so and so manage to sleep sitting up like that. I swear he has REM goin there and he looks like he's paying attention! I do recall who NOT to sit near because they wore a ton of cologne, or they had that kid that would sit in their seat (bored as I was) but stare at me endlessly. I'd wink, I'd smile, I'd finally motion for him to turn around...only so he'd turn back and stare at me for another 30 minutes.
You'd see the same people get up at exactly the same time in the meeting so they could use the restroom where all their friends were visiting over some sister having a great time nursing her kid in there. can't do that at the seat...some one may see your breast!
Finally, I took to writing sexy notes to my husband. That really got things goin.
Smoldering Wick
The life of a witness is very emotionally draining not to mention guilt ridden. The children are unhappy because basically they can't be a kid and a million other reasons. Wives are unhappy because they have to carry the "load" and pretend that their husbands are the head, they have no self-esteem and are second class (org) citizens. Husbands are unhappy because there are so many demands of them congregation, service, family, work, they have no lives. Compound these factors if the parents had to grow up JW.
There are so many dysfunctional relationships as a result of all the rules, expectations and group pressure imposed by a few men in Brooklyn. How many times did we as witnesses argue or yell at the kids while we were getting ready for the meeting or on the way to one? I've heard it said that "The Family that Prays Together, Stays Together"...This isn't so. It should be revised to "The Family that PLAYS Together, Stays Together" There just isn't much room left in a Witness' life for playing, freedom and being oneself. This forced (by group pressure, or imposed rules) way of life is a sure recipe for unhappiness. What's worse is having to pretend to be happy when you are so miserable.
For the last year that I was a witness, I sat at the hall watching everyone. (inconspicuously of course) Trying to see what was underneath their put-on "meeting faces." It just made me realize what a sad life being a witness really was.
Edited by - Smoldering Wick on 25 November 2002 15:52:46
tera, that was one thing I hated too, little bratty kids turning around and just staring at you...I just gave them mean, dirty looks....Made of couple of them cry in the process...kind of funny actually...that livened things up as the parents had to take them to the bathroom and beat the crap out of them...lol...give them a real reason to cry....ahh the gold old days...
I was one of those unhappy people....I also believe people went out of fear.I ask myself if people didn't get DF or they didn't bash the fear of enternal death in our minds,would many people be there?
Jesus Christ
Christ was perfect! How in the %&^ am I supposed to be perfect like Christ?? Opps. Guess Jesus didn't swear. Pardon me
Ah, I don't give a shit if you curse or not. I'm telling dad to damn things all the time. Just look at the Chicago Cubs!