J.Ws on T.V last night

by mouthy 6 Replies latest social current

  • mouthy

    Did anyone see the documentry last night on T.V channel 45. I was about Glen Howe fighting in the High courts for Freedom Of Religion? I dont get that channel.. I hope no one else posted about this. If so let me know please I dont have time to day to look it all up.

    My friend saw it & said it was EXCELLENT- he is afraid if many saw it they will get an influx of new members.

  • acsot

    Mouthy: I didn't see it but the sister three desks down me here at work told me about it, so did the P.O. of the congr. - apparently it was "very good" from a dub point of view. How JWs have helped civil rights in Canada, freedom of speech, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, etc. etc. You know the JW story, "if it hadn't been for us, Canada wouldn't have the freedoms it enjoys now", blah blah blah. Too bad they don't apply it within the org.

  • Kismet

    I kow the History Channel did up a show a couple of years ago that focussed heavily on Glen and the battle of Quebec. I haven't heard anything about a new program being released at all..not that that means anything. lol

    Let me know if you hear any more details. Perhaps a letter to the station that carried it showing how Glen How is now in a position of defending pedophiles instead of protecting the rights of Canadians.. hmmmm


  • mouthy

    Yes! I just watched a tape of it.It was very much in their favor. I was in Quebec during this time as a JW. I remember how proud we were we had "fixed Duplessis"

    I will try to find out who I can write to about it.

    It was good to see Laurie Samur again( on the video) he is a darling!!!! He was DF for drunkeness

    just after I was DF- but I have heard he is reinstated again. It is true he was the most imprisoned man in Quebec ( Laurie)My heart aches for him. He married a MUCH younger pioneer -I heard.

    It really ticked me off to see Glen snearing about the church members that testified. If the judge saw that kismet -we have lost the case!!!!(Me thinks)

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I'm working on a Thread that will show everyone (including Media and Public) that the Watchtower allows just about NO FREEDOM inside their own Organization.

  • alfie

    Hi Mouthy, yes the program to which you refer has been on in the past and if I'm not mistaken, it was quite some time in the past. Methinks we were still attending meetings and thought, as did all JWs we knew, what a great witness for God's organization. Watching it the other night, I couldn't help but think that it was probably an attempt at damage control or a deflection from the current issues plaguing the WBTS. Anyone else?


  • acsot
    I couldn't help but think that it was probably an attempt at damage control or a deflection from the current issues plaguing the WBTS. Anyone else?

    Yes, Alfie, I think you're right. The JWs around here are postively "glowing" about how well the program presented JWs. Amazing how my thinking has done a 180 degree turn in such a short time - now I think "uggh, yech!"

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