new religion?

by freddi 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • freddi

    hey all,

    has anyone ever ventured into that world that witnesses call christendom once they stopped attending the kingdom hall?

    i know that i have returned to "my own vomit" as j.w.'s would say. i have been to many charismatic churches. of course, i had that guilt of not wanting to be seen by any other member of the j.w.'s for many yrs. but i got over it.

    i am now happy to be involved in a baptist church with no feelings of remorse. as a matter of fact, a former j.w. sister saw me and my hubby going into a church and i noticed the negative look on her face. i still forged straight ahead. no one will tell what to believe ever again. i decide for myself.



  • Kep

    Hi freddi,

    After my JW experience I couldn't stand the thought of another religion, especially as I was raised a JW.

    I have been out 7 years and haven't been to any other church since. I don't think I ever will.

    Good on you for finding a religion that you enjoy.


  • Francois

    I went to the Episcopal church for quite awhile with my girlfriend, but I just can't get into the ritual repitition of now standing, now kneeling, now silent, now repeating, now singing, now kneeling again, now listening, etc. I DID get into their communion wine, which is I attest the GOOD STUFF. I could do the Episcopal church as a social thing, but not as religion, not as a spiritual exercise. Baptist I couldn't do I don't think. Is that exclusive? Only Baptists will go to heaven sort of thing?

    And of course, I don't view this as returning to my vomit, I view it as getting out of vomit, leaving the JWs sitting neck deep in it playing with the big pieces.

  • JH

    I know that active witnesses say that people who quit the TRUTH, don't join any other religion, because they know deep down inside, that it was the only true religion.

  • borgfree

    Hi Freddi,

    I have gone to several religions. I have enjoyed the Pentecostals the most because of the music and worship. I think I like the Baptist teaching the most, they seem to be solid in bible teaching.


  • Xander

    *scratches head*

    Hmmm...freddi, you been here a while. This topic has to be one of the most prevelant posted here: IE; 'What happens next?'

    Any particular reason for the recent refresh?

  • freedom96

    I will not follow another dogmatic type religion, where they teach their's is the only right one. I have enjoyed several non-denominational churches, but still have not found the "one" that I would go to exclusively.

  • gsx1138

    After getting the boot I went to a 7th day adventist church and a Baptist church for about 7 years. Once the wonderment of the Bible was lifted from my eyes what I saw wasn't all that spectacular. I was agnostic for about 2 years before a boss told me about Wicca. I can now say I'm the most happy as a Pagan than at any other time in my life. I've also started attending a buddhist temple every wednesday to learn about that system of thought. It is nice not to be confined by dogma and the belief that everything but what our organization teaches is from the Devil.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    In my own case, after more than 20 years as a JW I had no interest in anything Christendom had to offer, having been pretty thoroughly convinced by my JW indoctrination that Christendom could not possibly have it right.

    I was in my teens (and a good Dub kid) during the 60's, so there was plenty of stuff I knew of but had not allowed myself to explore when I was younger.

    Following my own interests and inclinations, I investigated Buddhism, Taoism and a variety of "new age-y" belief systems. I familiarized myself with what the followers of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh believed (another cult - big time), spoke with Scientologists (yikes!), and I read what Da Free John and bunches of others had to say. I "sat" in a couple of all-night formal Zen meditations (farewell, my legs!).

    If Buddha is found dead at the side of the road, the cops might want to speak with me as a "person of interest," but I will have nothing to say.

    Eventually I realized that I was a spiritual Ronin, a Taoist Druid Ninja hybrid, a follower of the unnamable path, the path I can only walk alone. I'm fairly comfortable though dissatisfied with myself and I am not afraid of things that go "bump" in the night or shadows cast by a campfire. Wolves, crows and kitty-cats speak with me. Looked for I cannot be seen, listened for I cannot be heard, touched I cannot be felt.

    I'm not a "joiner," and I seek no followers. I am sentient star-stuff, the universe seeking to understand itself, and THAT'S "the truth"(tm).

  • Xander

    A Minbari Ranger?

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