I hadn't been aware of national governments being interested in such things, but here's a news item today from 'downunder' showing what the Australian Federal Government is concerned about. I wonder if this will appear in "Watching the World" in the next issue of Awake!
Government wants to legislate against kids bras
by ozziepost 5 Replies latest social family
Actually, I think this is a good idea. I don't think it's right that young girls try to dress up 'sexy' because it is dumb and dangerous.
In my day, many didn't wear bras and some burned them (not when they had them on of course). The bra is a torture device invented by men. Women of the world, unhook.
How many ladies out there remember "training" bras?
I always wondered what would have prevented Eve (who wore nothing) from having hers (breasts) down to her knees?
Blondie(who hated bras and and had to be dragged screaming to a store to buy one)
I agree with Simon.
There is way too much pressure of a sexual nature on girls of inappropriate ages.
I applaude the government for speaking up. The more people who speak up, the more 'back-up' parents have when trying to impose reasonable bounds on their kids.
Schools too, can provide back-up by just banning certain types of clothing. The good ones do.
Wow!! Talk about BIG Government!!
Although it is very true little children should dress as such and it has been a topic since young Brooke Shields did work for Calvin and posed topless at 12 for Playboy.
Ones Government should not inforce everything right down to how you dress your children!!
Nobody ever learns from the United States proabition on drinking!
The more you try to control people the MORE they rebel!!
Did anyone notice in Genesis Adam and Eve had very few RULES and mostly Freedom to do as they pleased?
Before Eve...Adam spent most of his time studying the earth...studying the animals and thier enviroment. Most likely Jehovah even instructed him some as Adam had questions for him.(Such As,"How come all the animals have a honey and i don't?!")
Although I agree little children should not dress sexy....I feel the best way to STOP abuse of any kind is with education....NOT to enforce rigid laws.
They think by making a National dress code that abuse of young children will lessen.
This is far from the truth as men and women who do those things do not do it because the child was dressed a certain way. Ask any victum of abuse. They could have been in a burlap sack and thier abuser would have still done as he/she Pleased.
This kind of abuse is about power,lust,selfishness,And a lack of LOVE. Not clothes and make up.
The more Governments try to make a law for everything...the more the people(even good people) feel restricted and and suffocated.
That is how the Soviet Union fell and as the bible for tells....so will all the other corrupt oppressors of the people.
Ty for listening.
bye bye 4 now.
Utopian Raindrops
I agree we should not have little girls dressing like a grown woman, problem is the gov can't do it- it must come from the values instilled at home-
the gov has no place- the parents are the key in helping thier children walk the mine field of life
we have spent tons of threads on child molestation and now to turn around and suggest that a 8yr dress like she is a 17 or 18 yr woman is almost a joke
got to come from the parents and then society in general, but if not from the home it will be very difficult