J.W.'s Banned in Russia?
by The Searcher 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Searcher
Anyone heard anything about this report on a J.W. app? -
The Searcher
Thanks Coalize - my wife's app must be seriously misinformed.
I found this on the Org's own site - http://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/by-region/russia/bans-jw-org-website-blocked/
You are talking around each other. jw.org has been banned - blocked - in all Russia. -
jw.org has been blocked in Russia for some time. They have recently announced further crackdowns on various publications and not letting material into the country. -
It isn't just the Dubs who are being controlled and/or limited by Vlad the Impaler. A number of laws have been passed recently that limit foreign (non-blue eyed/blonde hair indigenous Russians) participation in the Russian way of life. The following is just a sample:
Since May 2012, when Vladimir Putin was reelected as president, Russia has enacted many restrictive laws, started inspections of nongovernmental organizations, harassed, intimidated, and imprisoned political activists, and started to restrict critics. The new laws include the so-called “foreign agents” law, which is widely regarded as overbroad by including Russian human rights organizations which receive some international grant funding, the treason law, and the assembly law which penalizes many expressions of dissent.
coalize - "...70 books are on the list of extremist religious material!"
Well... call a spade a spade.
Activities JW was not forbidden in Russia! Actively advocate and carry out Convention .. I am from Russia.