Another day

by joelbear 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    So many emails from you guys. Greatly appreciated.

    I'm exhausted from the crying and the panic. I probably cried a good 3 or 4 hours yesterday. My whole face was sore.

    Tomorrow is a calm day. I am fixing pecan cookies and two quiches to take to friends for Thanksgiving. It is always

    a quiet day, most of the attendees are older professionals, so its mostly a chatting time.

    Friday Mitch and I are going to spend the day shopping and running errands with our new roommate Jason.

    Jason is a Godsend. He is a wonderful young man who just "came out" 2 years ago. He is still struggling with being gay. He is a very kind soul. He took me to the hospital the last time I had a kidney stone and just sat there for 6 hours watching me sleep and rubbing my hand when I was awake. I am glad to have him in our life.

    I hope you all have a nice holiday tomorrow. I appreciate the opportunity to get a lot out of my system and not be ridiculed or condemned for it. is a fascinating place. A true living community.



  • Prisca


    Good to hear from you again. I hope you and Mitch have a great Thanksgiving Day. Those pecan cookies sound yummy! And give Jason a special (((((hug))))) from me. You have some lovely friends around you.

  • Kenneson


    Good to see that things are looking up for you at Thanksgiving time.

    And all that crying! I've done that before too. Felt like all that gook just got washed away; it was the beginning of a healing of emotions experience for me. Hope for you too.

    Keep your chin up. Concentrate on doing and being involved with others as you will do on Thanksgiving. You won't have time for self pity. Think positive thoughts. And one day at a time, it does get better.

  • Solace


    One day at a time is good.

    My Grandma used to make the best quiche. I havent had any since she passed away. What kind did you make?

    You take care & have a nice Thanksgiving too!

  • kelpie
    wonders where her pecan cookies are??

    Hi Joel

    I hope you are feeling a little happier today.. (((((((joel))))))) we are here for you..


  • pettygrudger

    I'll take a dozen or so of those cookies myself Joelbear - and trade you for some pumpkin & apple pies (baking in oven as we speak).

    Sounds as if you have a wonderful weekend planned with Mitch & Jason - enjoy.

    Rhonda (of the how much a**kissing will it take to get 2 dozen cookies class?)

  • LB

    Joel you had kidney stones? Good grief man. When I was young I had some. About the size or beach sand. Really big sharp beach sand. They made me piss through a strainer and sometimes it was when I was on my knees. That hurts. My knees just slammed together thinking about it.

  • ugg

    joelbear.....maybe next week,,,try to get to a medical doctor and tell him how you have been feeling......there is no need to suffer like you have been....i know....i was there....hugs....

  • lauralisa


    We're having quiche for thanksgiving too! I'd love to have your receipe... each time I make it it turns out different and is always a 'suprise'... lol

    I've just come off of a four-month long endurance contest with my will to survive. It was very difficult. Sometimes it feels like the building is on fire and I do not understand why these people who say they love me want me to just stay in there - they say the fire will stop - i don't believe them.... then it does go out. Whew.

    Hope and peace to you; your well-being is important to many people, some of whom you have never met.

    love, lauralisa

  • TR

    hey Joel,

    Souds like you're a good cook. I really hope you have a good Thankgiving day.


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