Cute Joke I heard

by Yerusalyim 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    OK, it's a blond joke, but still kinda cute...

    I was tending bar last week. Five exuberent blonds walk in and order two bottles of champagne and ten glasses. They sit down at a table, pop the cork, pour the first round and toast one another with "51 days, can you believe it, 51 days!" A few minutes later, three more blonds come in and immediately join the first five. Again, drinks are poured and they toast one another again with "51 days, YEAH! Way to Go".

    Ok, curiosity is getting to me, but I'm staying out of it. A few minutes later two more blonds come in, one with a picture under her arm which she displays for all the others and sets it up like an Icon on the table. A fresh round of drinks are poured and again the Tosat "51 days!" us given.

    OK, curiosity got me. As I'm bringing over another bottle that of the bubbly, I notice the picture is of Cookie Monster, you know, the guy from Sesame Street. Finally I ask, "Ladies, why the Celebration?" The ring leader, the last to enter spoke up, "We've hated these blond jokes for years, blonds aren't any dumber than the average person. To prove it, the 10 of us got together and decided to prove the detractors of blonds everywhere wrong. So, the 10 of us put together this puzzle, the box said '2 to 4 years' but we did it in just 51 days!"

    Edited by - Yerusalyim on 28 November 2002 19:23:37


    Hey Yerusalyim,funny!..A blonde is walking in the woods and she comes to a creek.As she gets to the shore line another blonde shows up on the other side of the creek.The first blonde asks "How to I get to the other side?" the second blonde replys"you are,on the other side"...OUTLAW

  • Bendrr

    Well I'm a blonde so I find such jokes offensive!

    Just kidding!

    I'm thinking of so many jokes right now that I can't tell.....Damn!


  • Brummie


    Q) 3 blondes in a pub, why is it easy to tell which one uses a viabrator?

    A) chipped teeth.

    Brummie (the old ones are always the best class)


    A blonde calls 911:

    911 operator: "911, what is your emeergency?"

    Blonde: "My room mate is dead and I don't know what to do!"

    911 operator: "Your room mate is dead, mam?!"

    Blonde: "Yes, I think so!"

    911 operator: "You think so! You're not sure?"

    Blonde: "Well, he's not moving!"

    911 operator: "Listen mam, the first thing you need to do is make sure he's dead!"

    The blonde puts the phone down and the 911 operator hears two gunshots in the background.

    Blonde: "O.K. Now what?"

  • minimus

    This is not a blonde joke but a conversation I overheard this week. Two men in their 60's were exercising and walking near a beach. One fellow told the other that his doctor told him that he had a little problem with his heart and the doctor advised him to take it easy and not lift anything heavy for the time being. So now he has to sit when he pees.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    A blonde was on an airline with a coach ticket and went and sat in first class. The stewardess said "I'm sorry, but you have a coach ticket and you can't sit here". The blonde says, "I'm a blonde, I'm beautiful and I can sit in first class on my way to Milwaukee."

    The stewardess goes and get's the co-pilot. He comes back and says to the blonde "I'm sorry, but you have a coach ticket and you can't sit here, you'll have to go back to coach." The blonde says, "I'm a blondie, I'm beautiful and I can sit in first class on my way to Milwaukee".

    The co-pilot goes to the cockpit, tells the captain and the captain says "A Blonde?... I'm married to a Blonde, I speak Blonde, I'll handle this". He walks back to the blonde, wispers in her ear and she gets up and returns to her coach seat.

    After walking back to the cockpit the stewardess and co-pilot asked the pilot "what did you say to her".

    The pilot said "I just told her first class wasn't going to Milwaukee" .... bahrump bump chng!!!!

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