I think we will know who has Jesus whispering in thier ear when the person(or persons) can interpret bible prophecy correctly.
Jesus spoke in parrables but, to the apostles he told the meaning.
Since he is our Lord and Savior...why would he do things any differently? Why would people who realy love Him and His Father have to guess? Jesus was always straight forward with those who believed in Him and Loved Him.
In ancient Isreal there were Prophets Jehovah would send to tell the Priests ,Kings, and People when they were doing things wrong. There was no mystery or guess work when it came to Jehovah's ways.
It seems so far to me that all Faiths are still at the Priest stage and none are Prophets as they all flounder around on thier teachings and interpretations of the bible.
It is a bible command to meet though and so there is the matter of choosing where to go.
When Jehovah sent His Son down to earth to live as one of us there were many Jewish sects. They all were diferent interpretations of the ONE way to worship The True God at that time.
Since Jesus would not remember His pre-human existance till after being baptised and 30 years old....Jehovah had to pick which Jewish sect for his Son to be raised in. To go along with bible prophecy His Son had to keep The Law perfectly among other things. So Jesus could not be raised in a family that choose to follow the scriptures in thier own way. They needed to be meek and regular in meeting attendance. We know that with the example of His Mother and Step-Father Jesus also grew up to be such a man himself even before His Epiphany.
So then it comes to us who profess to serve The Christ and his Father Jehovah. We must choose also I believe. It is still a bible command to meet. That hasn't changed.
I think It is easy for me to do this as I have children and very much wish for them to grow up strong in Jehovah through Christ Jesus. The scriptures state that children are like arrows in your quiver and I truely believe this. With out my precious gifts from Jehovah I do not believe I could have endured or snapped out of my pitty party so quickly. But as a parent you spend your time focusing on protecting them and making sure they are the best you can provide for them. So I take my example from Jehovah Himself and look for where I must take them to worship thier Grand Creator.
There are now many sects of Christianity...all different interpretations of the ONE way to Worship Jehovah through His Son. So it is through these that we must sift and decide for our ownselves.
ty for listening
JT your profile realy inspired me....I so feel for the brother you spoke of who thought he went to jail for Jehovah and now finds it was just for the whims of men. Still and all I feel it is NOBLE to refude to fight against your fellowmen and so no matter what his reasons men and women like him are very Heroic.
agape all,
bye bye 4 now