Thought Inspiration versus Verbal Inspiration.

by Blueblades 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Which do you think it is,or, is it neither?The society claims to believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.Yet in print they believe in "Thought Inspiration" instead of "Verbal Inspiration"as most Bible believing Christians do."Thought Inspiration"means that God merely gave the ideas to men and then they worked the details out in their own words.'Verbal Inspiration"means that God not only guided in the main ideas but also in the choice of words the human authors used.So, again,"Which do you think it is",or, is it neither? Blueblades.

  • Vivamus

    Neither. I don't believe the bible is the word of god. I believe it was made by men, in a male dominant society.

  • searcher

    I believe the bible is a ' mish - mash ' of so called spiritual writings, brought together over many many years, added to and detracted from as the dictates of the current ' religion ' demanded.

    Some of it may be inspiring, but then, so are a lot of other books.

    Should the bible be followed ?

    IMHO the ' proof of the pudding is in the eating' so I look at the behaviour of followers of this book throughout the ages, and they come over as the most hateful kind of people.

    I realise that many have done good things in the name of this book, but majority rules.

    The majority of the book followers are, and have always been, violent/judgemental/cruel/arrogant/persecuters.

    There are good followers of the book, but they are a minority.

    Any sort of good god, if that god had a book, would ensure that the book was understandable and not open to miss-interpritation and miss-use, so my opinion ?

    The god of the bible does not exist.


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