Hey Guys,
Back from a tim-tam moment....do you guys have Tim-Tams in USA??I just read Double Edge's comment re Armageddon and I have to say that I really do think that if you are raised as a JW (is this what you guys call a dub??) then you have a very slanted view of the world and also a very frightening one! I can remember being about 6 or 7 and having my father who was/is an Elder telling me about Armageddon coming and the absolute terror it was going to be......scared the pants off me....nightmares the works!!
I believe that the "glasses" I was given to look at the world have seriously messed with my ability to come out and say "OK I will go out tonight have a few drinks, maybe a cigarette (waaay BAD) and get home and enjoy it"! Instead I feel so guilty that the next time I hear about the world events changing I FREAK OUT DUDE!! I literally feel like getting down on my knees and begging for my life! Sad yeah???!!!
Hmm anyway - what is a dub...what is the borg (apart from star trek....???)
Cheers to all of your excellent respones and understanding...