Pink Cloud

by RubyTuesday 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday

    I have notice alot of new people here recently and I am curious as to how you found this site.Interested in how some of you "old timers" found it also.

    Last May or June I was checking out some chat rooms and for some reason (i always thought how boring) I went into the religion section and saw a chat room title Jehovah Witness Recovery room. I was very curious as to what was going on in there (Did a bus load of JW get in a crash and now they are recovering??) So I went in and no one was in there execpt someone named PinkCloud.To make a long story short she told me about the Dateline show coming up. I was in total shock! I always thought it was just my family that got screwed by the organisation.She gave the silent lambs addy and off i went. I then started putting various words in search and eventually came up with this one. What a relief to find out I was'nt such a freak after all. Or if I was at least there where other ones like me....hehe...I say that with much love.

    Sometimes I think I was sent there for a reason...Maybe PinkCloud is my gaurdian Angel.

    Edited by - rubytuesday on 2 December 2002 9:45:48

  • JH

    In my case, I was looking for Jehovah Witnesses in google. I found a site, and I corresponded with a guy name `William, who told me

    Here are some websites you might want to give a look at: Jehovahs Witness Discussion - Forum: Friends! Thanks again for writing

  • Jesika

    Well, the way I ended up here was like this.

    My aunt Lin told my sis of a show on Dateline that was supposed to be uncovering abuse in a religion and it wasn't Catholic. I was at my sis's house playing on the playstaion with my nephew. I thought never in a million yrs would the story be on the JW's. Well, the preview came on and the music came on. It sounded alot like the KH music and I got goose bumps all over. My sis with VCR ready was watching. I had my back turned cause I told myself most religious music sounds the same.

    THEN the story started and I started shaking, and when they said JW I about gave myself whiplash I turned around so fast. About halfway through it I was crying so hard I couldn't see the TV or hear it anymore. That is how I found silentlambs. I was never online and didn't have an email addy. After being on SL for about a month I activated an email account to be able to communicate with the ones I was finding on SL. Which in turn brought me here with different links that were posted on SL. I wasn't internet savy at all!!!!!!! So it took me a while to get used to how to lurk and finally registered. The rest is history.

    I had the chance to meet Erica Garza in NYC and told her if she hadn't of come forward, I would never have known I wasn't the only one and I would have never pursued doing something about it. I cried she cried and it was a beautiful moment. I am so glad my aunt told my sis about the program and was so sure it was about the JW's.

    That day brought me here and enabled me to do the recent news coverage that I did in Dallas. That chance was something I have been dreaming about for many yrs. These places have given me the strength and reason to press on and fight back.

    Thank you all for the support and love you have shown me and countless others.


  • searcher

    I was studying with the JW's and some of what they said made me suspicious, so I did a search for 'Jehovahs Witnesses' using a programme called Copernic, which uses 8/12 search engines at the same time. This was one of the many sites that came up, so I started collecting information.

    Got hooked on this one, and here I am ! :smile:


  • Kenneson

    I did a search on Jehovah's Witnesses Opposing Views and ultimately found this site. I've been to other sites as well, but this one is my favorite.

  • els

    With my family deciding to shun me this summer I started wondering what the official position on this was. I did a search to see what info was out there and I ended up here. I've checked out other sites but I like it here. els

  • CBeMe

    I was researching JW's on the internet and accidently stumbled onto this site. I am so glad I did! You have all been such a help to me. Thank you!!


  • Mac

    I was checking out the H2O board when someone referenced this site. I checked it out and thought it interesting.



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