Tired of seeing WT reference old magazines....

by WingCommander 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    .............instead of the Bible!! Whenever "new light" comes out, they tell you to ignore their statement made in 1974 WatchTower mag #etc, page #, article whatever, paragraph something-something. I'm sorry, but I never went back to research what those old WatchTowers that were printed before I was born even said.

    To me, the more they change things and reference old WT magazines, the more the Bible is left out. I don't feel that is right! Even in new articles, they seem to reference more of their literature, books, etc, than the Bible. It never made much sense to me, especially to new people coming into the Org that have no clue what that stuff is, nor care. Also, when things do change, or you ask about their failed prophecies, they ignore you, or tell you that there own writings of "old" are irrelevant. Now how can that be? If that's the case, why would you trust anything that is printed now. Wait, I know - you are supposed to "put faith and trust in God's organization." That is nothing more than circular logic.

    They need to get their heads out of their asses, and get back to the Bible. There would be less confusion, less "research" to have to do, and more interested ones. Following new words of men, instead of the Bible will lead to trouble every time. You'd think they'd realize that by now.

    Wing Commander

  • minimus

    The publications and the Bible are really the same. So, anytime they "amplify" on the publications, they are just giving us a better understanding of the Bible.

  • ozziepost

    They won't, and can't, realise it, Wing Commander (luv ya moniker!) because it would destroy their reason to be.

    If they encouraged the R&F to simply read the Bible, there'd be no reason to "separate themselves from Babylon the Great".

    So don't expect to see anything change. What you see is what you'll get.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Right on Minimus! The publications are provided to give us guidance on the scriptures through the channel God is using today to lead his people. One only has to look to Christendom to see the confusion that those who reject God's ways are left in. Although they have had access to the Bible for many years, and may even read it from time to time, even the most basic teachings of the Bible have been distorted and twisted. How happy we can be that we can understand even the deeper things found in God's Word. Surely Jehovah is blessing his people in these critical last days!

    Okay, I gotta stop now before I hurl.

  • minimus

    No Apologies, that was very clever! I like it!!!

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    You like that Min? I can still spew it like a pro! I shoulda been on the Writing Commitee. Perhaps I will share more spiritual nourishment in the future. For it is true that although in our modern world, there is no shortage of books, magazines, and online written material, how much of it is truly healthful? Surely it is just as the psalmist-- see there I go again!

  • out4good3

    No Apologies


    You transition into it very well too....

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