Meetings 2 much like enimas to go anymore.....

by WingCommander 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    Yeah, you heard me. The meetings are too darn much like having an enima to even bother to go anymore. I get the same message from only attending about 8 meetings a year to hold me over. Why would anyone go several times a week?? Rediculous!

    It's just the same dreadful message of despair wrapped in their interpretation of Revelations. (which I can believe, but their ultimatums are wearing me thin) Go out in field service, pioneer, place literature, get baptized, OR ELSE DIE when the fateful day comes. Remember to smile and like when they put you down for not doing what they say and feeling guilty!! Doesn't matter if you follow the ten commandments, are generally a nice, good, straight, normal person. Do what they say OR ELSE DIE. What ever happened to being humble, and following Jesus' foot steps???

    Going to those robotic, Borg-like meetings is dreadful, and quite honestly depressing. I do like seeing my friends that are there, though. Oh, and by going only a few times a year, people are honestly glad to see you, not just grinning and pretending to greet everyone. I also go to the gym alot. I feel keeping my "temple" in order is also a requirement of God, so I go alot in order to stay healthy.

    I take back my statement. Enimas are much more fun, mainly because the same ol' $hit doesn't come out of that hole twice!!!

    Wing Commander

  • Swan

    I always thought of them more like diarrhea because you go and go and go...


  • Gig

    I agree that the meetings are redundant and predictable, I honestly wonder how those who have been witnesses for years cannot come to the same conclusion. The Word is alive and is supposed to do the same for us. The WT is all about fear closely followed by intimidation. JW's never truly relieved because they are never allowed to get there, their real identities are purposely suppressed in favor of the JW identity, which we all know is what is required of them to be pleasing to the almighty org.

    This whole cult thing continues to amaze me.


  • Mac

    Ahhhhhhh!!!!! Nothing like that cleansed feeling of a high theocratic colonic!!!!!!!!!

    mac, of the walking funny for awhile class

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."Going to those robotic, Borg-like meetings is dreadful, and quite honestly depressing"....

    Brother, I think youve reached the point of no turning back.

    Occassionally when I feel REAL down I attend a meeting and it reminds me of how empty my life could have been if Id stayed in there. So Im reminded that my life has improved vastly over the 20 years since I left. The thing I feel in a dub meeting more than anything else is FATIGUE. Overwhelming boredom and fatigue. Imagine your entire life revolving around something that bores you and saps your spirit? Now THAT is a waste of life.


    ..."This whole cult thing continues to amaze me"....

    Well it DOES say Satan masquerades as an angel of light and that "if it were possible he will decieve the very elect".

    Edited by - refiners fire on 4 December 2002 14:33:23

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    hey, refiner... missed you. i just heard about your wife. i hope she is better now. ((you)) because you're so kind and nice.

    p.s. sorry wingcommander for sneaking in here)

  • heathen

    They look like they need enimas they are so anal retentive it's unbelievable.

  • Mary

    Yep, WC's right........they're like fleet enemas........if you don't come out on your own, they'll MAKE you come out!!

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