What do the public need to know?

by sleepy 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Do you think the general public needs to be better informed about jehovahs witnesses, what they believe , what they practise and what the real truth about this is?

    Are they a real danger to society or just a fringe group that like many others will only trap a few poor souls, but for most people would never be an option to join anyway?

    I wonder, would too much bad press about the witnesses backfire and actually cause more interest and publicity in the religion than otherwize would be the case.Would the types of people who become jehovahs witnesses listen to us anyway, as to be taken in so easilly requires some slumber in the upstairs department and general lack of reasoning skills?

  • onthego

    Many JWs are kindly but the leadership is criminal regarding the abetting of pedophilia, and this is dangerous. Also the blood doctrine has led to many deaths, so isn't that dangerous. Inform on those things in particular, although much more can also be pointed out. But again, there are some decent people who are JWs but horribly misled. Any organization namecalling Dateline and Connie Chung and other legitimate news sources has lots more to hide. I have friends who've complained they think there is wiretapping and harassing from it. Who knows.

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