It's awesome to see the ship fire it's big guns. When the U.S.S. Missouri was mothballed in Bremerton, Wa., I was able to go on board. The shear size of the ship and the guns makes you damn near soil your shorts. Even the 5" guns firing in the video are impressive. The 16" projectiles weigh about 2000 lbs., depending on whether they're armour piercing or high explosive bombardment rounds.
You have to actually see a B-52 strike to believe it. They weren't referred to as Arc Lights for nothing. The whole entire horizon looks like an arc welder.
The USS New Jersey was another Battleship used during Vietnam and it too boasted some awesome firepower.
I flew in Army helicopters and when following the coast line, we often passed Navy ships. We also didn't readily know when they had a fire mission either, so if we happened to catch some puffs of smoke from the guns, we headed for the deck.
A little coordination would have been appreciated and saved many of us from embarassing stains in our clothing.
I know what you mean about those battleship fire missions. I found myself flying tight formation with about 6 of those projectiles in an AC-130E Gunship. We got no warning of any kind and were damn lucky that we weren't hit. We were under "control" of Alleycat at the time.
Navigator, I was usually in an OH-6A. Too small to carry much firepower, but we did carry could pack a wallop.
The Spectre also has awesome firepower too. Never got to see one in actual action, but did get to watch Spooky, the AC-47 predecessor, in action as he lit up the skies around Nha Trang one night.