Submiting to the slave class.

by Pepper 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pepper

    The Watchtower . October 01, 2002 Page 19 paragraph 2.

    " By submiting to the slave class, God's people also show their subjection to the master, Jesus Christ. Such subjection has taken on additional significance in modern times because of Jesus's enlarged authority, as foretold in Jacob's deathbed prophecy."

    Do not the Witness's say to others: "come now let use reason on matter's"? Then let us all do so then concerning this and please lets start a thread about this, the Pope of the Catholic church sets him self as the same as Christ or at the very least his spokesman, and yet he is looked down upon by the Jehovah's Witness's for doing this, please exsplain?


  • Brummie

    Cringing real bad

    Such subjection has taken on additional significance in modern times because of Jesus's enlarged authority

    ALL authority has been given me..Matt 28. Explain how "All" can be enlarged too?

    Its just their self rightous men replacing Christ again, submit to them not to christ directly..blah blah


  • Inkie

    Please re-read Matthew 24:29 to the end of the chapter. There you will see that the Slave is not appointed until AFTER THE TRIBULATION, until AFTER HE ARRIVES. Has the tribulation occurred yet? Has the Christ arrived? I don't think so! In the past the Society did teach that the tribulation began in 1914, was interrupted in 1918, restarted again in 1939/40, was interrupted in 1945, and was awaiting a restarting again. Thus, they could teach that the Christ had arrived and APPOINTED THEM. But they changed their teaching of when the great tribulation started and threw out the interruption theory altogether. However, they kept the APPOINTMENT so they could keep the power. At one time, we all fell for it. NOT ANY MORE!!! This is also how they got the "great crowd of other sheep" to appear on the scene when the Revelation clearly says they make their first showing AFTER THE TRIBULATION because they are the ones that come out of it. So much for biblical scholarship.


  • Mr Spock
    Mr Spock

    Have you ever visited "QoutesJehovah'" ?? There you will find written by the Faithful and Discreet Slave class an assortment of lies and contradictions of the last 100 years.... How or why anyone would put themselves in subjection to them is beyond me. Live long and prosper...Spock

  • onacruse

    " By submiting to the slave class,"

    There is no Biblical slave "class," only individual Christian slaves.

    "God's people also show their subjection to the master, Jesus Christ."

    There is no Scripture that states this.

    "Such subjection has taken on additional significance in modern times because of Jesus's enlarged authority,"

    Like Brummie said.

    "as foretold in Jacob's deathbed prophecy."

    Genesis 49:8-12 is never directly quoted in the NT, and all indirect references to it have to do with Jesus, not his "brothers."

    The whole line of "reasoning" used in this quote makes monkeys banging a typewriter look like geniuses.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    "submitting to the slave class "

    I have to submit to the slave. Strange turn of phrase isnt it. Our masters pretend to be our servants.

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