I Think Many Witnesses Have A D D

by minimus 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've done some reading about A D D lately. I know that some young kids may be affected by this malady. It seems to me, there are a number of older persons that are Witnesses that seem to have A D D. You know those over-zealous elders, especially the Service Overseers? I'll bet that they suffer from this. You know those Auxillary and Regular Pioneers that just can't stop preaching the "good news"? Or those brothers and sisters that are on every convention program sharing their secrets of prayer and personal study that starts at 3:30 every morning? How about those "sinners" that always get into trouble? They just can't stop fidgeting! They can't sit still. So they get into trouble. Yup! There's a lot of Witnesses that suffer from this disorder.........By the way, A D D , as well as OCD and other ailments are not things to make fun of. But I do think that more people than we realize have some type of sickness that makes them look sometimes, "theocratic".

  • finnrot


    As a kid and well into my adulthood I had O.C.D. I have worked hard to stop the counting and related stuff. The only way to beat it is to just stop. After a while you learn that you were just occupying your mind to help you cope with or avoid other problems. I know that being raied a Witness played a large part in my having to cope with O.C.D. It took a while but I think I have O.C.D. completly under control.


  • minimus

    Having OCD and being a Witness can be challenging. I know of a man that has OCD and in order to cope with his illness, he had to stop going to meetings....seems to be doing fine, now......Regarding the compulsion to count time, finnrot, that must have been quite the chore throughout the month while out in the ministry.

  • Realist

    stupid question what is ADD and OCD?

  • ugg

    Realist....add...attention deficite disorder....ocd......obsessive compulsive disorder

  • Realist

    aha! thanks ugg!

  • Aztec

    Most of my family has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. My son and I have ADHD. I don't think being raised a witness contributed to my having this problem but it did exacerbate it when I was a child. Trying to sit still through countless boring meeting with nothing to keep me entertained was a nightmare. I did develop a very active imagination though so I guess some good did come out of it. The only thing that bothers me are people who tell me it's all in my head or that ADD does not exist. I agree that it is overdiagnosed but it is a very real problem as those of us who have it know.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Ya, I was diagnosed as an adult with ADHD, and there is no way in hell, you would have the gumption to become a pioneer, it was hard enough sitting through a meeting, I think you got your dis-orders mixed up minimus.


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