Was the Ethiopian a proselyte

by sableindian 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sableindian

    I've looked high and low through out the scriptures and can't find any proof that the Ethiopian was a proselyte. Apollo was from Alexandria...was he a proselyte? Now, of course, that would just mess up that key of the kingdom forte. Scripture says that there were Jews in Ethiopia. And the WT acknowledges that:" Ethiopia (Cush) is one of the lands among which the Jewish exiles were scattered after the Babylonian conquest of Judah. (Isa 11:11 "

    So, why is the eunuch constantly called a proselyte?

  • meadow77

    What is a proselyte?

  • blondie

    A proselyte is a new convert to a doctrine or religion as opposed to someone born into the Jewish faith.

    This is my take on this:

    1. Initially, the preaching was only to those of the Jewish faith, born into or proselytes

    2. The first non-Jew baptized was Cornelius. (Acts 10)

    3. This takes place before that so it is likely that he was a proselyte. (account of eunuch is in Acts 8:26-31)

    4. He was a eunuch because of his position not because he had been castrated as castrated males could not be a Jew.

    5. He was returning from visiting the temple and was able to read the Jewish Bible. Jews were required to visit the temple at least once a year.

    So this seems to indicate he was a Jewish proselyte.

    Acts 18 24 Meanwhile, there was a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, who came to Ephesus. He was a cultured and eloquent man, well versed and mighty in the Scriptures.
    25 He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and burning with spiritual zeal, he spoke and taught diligently and accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he was acquainted only with the baptism of John.


    Edited by - Blondie on 8 December 2002 15:18:7

  • sableindian

    Hi, Blondie,

    I'm stuck. You have proven that the Ethiopian was a Jew and not a proselyte. Where does it state, and I have looked, that he is a proselyte.

    Your information about Apollo, who was from Egypt, was good also. Showing him to be a Jew, although not an Israelite.

  • blondie

    Proselytes are people are were not born a Jew but studied and changed their lives to harmonize with a new religion or doctrine. The Ethiopian would have had to have a Jewish born born mother (according to Orthodox Jews) to be a natural born Israelite. From birth, this one would be an Israelite.

    proselyte(click to hear the word) (pr
    n. A new convert to a doctrine or religion.

    He was most likely a Jew by conversion (a proselyte) than by birth. He would have had to be circumcised as an adult (making a conscious decison) not being circumcised as a child on the 8th day (with his parents making the decision).

    Is there a reason for this question? Is it the support for some other Bible teaching?


  • sableindian

    Hi Blondie,

    Notice no one is saying WHY the Ethiopian was not a Jew from birth? This is a big assumption. And it shows a bit of brainwashing here. It is something being repeated without reference.

    Yes, we have the definition of a proselyte. But we have no proof of the Ethiopian's ancestry as not being Jewish.

  • blondie

    This is true, but JWs are not alone in making this assumption. I went out on the Net and found many Christian religions make this leap. I was trying not to limit my research to WT publications.


  • sableindian

    Hey Blondie,

    I understand when it comes to the scriptures and Ham, Cush and an Ethiopian and religions, they detach Black folk as far away from the chosen people as they can get. The depictions of Black people in the media and the Bible is very twisted in itself. So I am not the least surprised that other religions have the same idea. And now with the DNA revelation that African Jews have the same Y identity as European Jews has really quieted down. And so, its business as usual. Yet, no one, still can not scripturally say why the Ethiopian is called a proselyte.

    Maybe it went along with the 19th century image of bringing the gospel to the infidels in Africa. I was looking at a PBS documentary on televangilism. Dallas is the city with the largest Christian population in America. And yet, I heard this particulare evangelist with still prevelant racist and biggoted ideas. Yet, he believed that he has a place in heaven. Amazing. I must say that he did not seperate the women and Hispanics from this group that needed help and redemption. Of course he did mention the good qualities...Blacks love to sing to the Lord and the Browns (His exact expression) love family life. Creepy!

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