It aint christmas for turkeys

by Brummie 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    I just saw a woman on the news standing outside a turky farm shouting "Turkey Torture"

    she's trying to save the turkeys and they are clucking behind her without a care in the world pecking away at some droppings on the floor.

    Kinda reminded me how dumb we looked standing on a persons door on Christmas day *serious face - cheesy smile* telling em the fairy on top of the tree was pagan and telling adults father Christmas wernt real.

    Anyhow what dumb people we are sometimes, seeing her made me feel a lot better for singing whams "last Christmas" at a kareoke with my flies down last year.

    Brummie (putting turkey in deep freeze)

  • terabletera

    LMAO (thanx!)

  • Jade

    You said it Brummie. I remember my mom telling me that all you had to do was add an "n" to Santa to get Satan!!!!


  • Brummie

    I remember my mom telling me that all you had to do was add an "n" to Santa to get Satan!!!!

    Sounds like a great intro for on the doors for Christmas morning "Hi we are in the neighborhood drawing peoples attention to the letter "N", did you know that if you rearrange the letter "N" in Santa ...yada yada ...and therefore we must reach the indisputable conclusion that millions now living face the prospect of living forever in paradise on earth..."


  • Pleasuredome

    lol...nice one brummie

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