Did anyone here attend this weekend's sales convention special assembly at the Texas Rosenburg Assembly Hall? Any "new light" or did they just recycle the same old garbage?
Rosenburg Circuit Assembly
by out4good3 7 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry, didn't go this weekend. But I did go there a couple times before. BTW, how much did they pay to build that assembly hall? That is the most outlandish hall I have ever been in. If you were refering to the Special Assembly Day, there was nothing new from the platform.
Wow... I used to go to that assembly hall.... even helped work on it a bit.
There is now a new arrangement to assist the needy, especially widows and fatherless children. The Society has decided to return to those that have lost their jobs, due to the recession,any donations that have been made in the past year. Humanatarian aid will be given to all those that qualify in war torn areas. The Governing Body has also refined their stance on disfellowshipping. Any that have felt that were mistreated or wrongly disfellowshipped, will now automatically be considered in "good standing" The result will be that more Witnesses will be activated, all to the praise of our Father......I think that was about it. Does anyone else remember the new points that I could have missed?
[ Shaking Minimus ]
Wake up Minimus! Wake up! You're dreaming again!
Click your heals together and say "There's no place like the bOrg... There's no place like the bOrg... There's no place like the bOrg."
Hey my sister and her hubby (Shirley and Dave Neilson) were hoping to be caretakers at that assembly hall, any of you guys know them?
Interesting that someone brought up the Rosenburg Assembly Hall. The last time I ever attended anything that was Witness related was at that hall. It was almost 2 years ago. I went to that assembly and left during the middle of it...and I will never, ever go there or any Kingdom Hall again.
If I'm not mistaken that hall clocked in at about 5 to 7 million dollars back in the very early nineties when it was being built. I could be mistaken though. When they started building it I was still very much "in" and though I had no means to participate in the building, we did take numerous trips out there to tour the facility at different stages in the building process..
I remember when I was on my way out going there for one of their
sales conventionsspecial assemblies. Me and the wife were walking around during the lunch hour and I guess word had gotten around that I'd been missing quite a few meetings because people who feigned friendlyness toward me while I was studying were now working hard trying to ignore my presence and acting as if they didn't recognize me. That would've been the last time I set foot in the place also.When we were leaving that day, I couldn't help thinking that I would've had more fun at the county fair going on next to the place than I had trying to take in that "spiritual slop".