the dead

by vanilia 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • vanilia

    Hi again,

    what do you believe happens to you once you die? is it worth now trying to use occultists to contact dead family members? or are they dead! ? sorry to be so morbid.

  • Silverleaf

    Hi Vanilia,

    I don't think your question is morbid. Welcome to the board, by the way. I was never a JW but considered joining many years ago when my then fiance was involved. I'm Pagan now and my feeling is that souls are reincarnated either when they choose to be or when they need to be. I believe in soul families - groups that stay together throughout lifetimes in different capacities, such as your best friend may have been your sibling in another life, your child may have been your great grandfather. I think the dead can send us messages, tell us they are all right, and often guide us in our lives, but I would be very cautious about having someone try to contact the dead - I think a lot of people who claim to be able to do this are charlatans. If someone from your life wants to contact you, I don't think they will need a medium to do it. And if you want to communicate with someone who has died, I think you can just do that - talk to them through prayer or ritual and they will hear you.



  • hippikon

    You rot

  • vanilia

    the reason i ask is that my brother who you can see in the picture with me, died at the age of 23, which i should be able to get over, but 12 years on and it still bothers me. because he was killed in an accident, it was sudden, and now i have 2 young sons and i find myself constantly looking at them wondering if i will have to say goodbye to them too, i just wish i could put it to bed, either try and contact him, or believe that he is sleeping waiting for resurrection, but i dont know what to believe. the people here seem to make so much sense, i thought you might be able to help.

  • Lutece

    Hi Vanilia,

    My brother died in an accident 10 years ago at the age of 23. One year earlier I dealth with the suicide of a close cousin who was the same age as me. I have a lot of the same fears you do, I have two precious children that I love dearly. I was a witness when my brother died and I didn't believe it when people told me that they felt Chad's spirit trying to say goodbye. Now I think (after hearing some accounts from very trustworthy people) that they did have some sort of contact with his spirit, but I didn't because my eyes were blindfolded. I couldn't see it, was too negative to look at it with an open mind.

    Just wanted to share so that you know you're not alone.


  • vanilia

    Thanks Anne, really appreciate it. I guess it depends on whether you believe in the bible at the end of the day.

  • Yerusalyim


    My brother was murdered 23 years ago. From a religious point of view I'd say trying to contact your brother through the occult would be wrong. He lives on in your heart and your memory and, in my theology, he is (if he tried to find God in his life) now in heaven with God and he prays for you. Hold on to him in your heart. Let it rest.

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