The C.O. pushed this idea on his whole circuit. 2-4 brothers in the parking lot to welcome everyone in. A good idea if it had stayed simple, but he insisted on a drivers ed. lesson every meeting. The group of brothers would surround your car, uttering commands, giving hand signals, to back you in, then 2-thump your trunk if your manoeuvres met their approval (frantic thumping meant you had to begin all over again). This became standard even though the parking lots were always half empty. At our hall the elders flung the C.Os idea on the scrap heap, but I had to go to another hall where they took it even further, wrenching your door open and prying you out of your car.
One day I went there with the parents and got so annoyed I rolled down my window and told the brother I was able to get my car into reverse all by myself because I came from a hall where everyone knew how to drive. My mother was appalled and told me I had a terrible attitude and that I was criticizing a loving provision.
Was every hall told to do this or were we just dealing with another cracked C.O.? (and yah, my mom is still devoted and submissive, and yah I guess Im still rebellious)