Put down your New World Translation.
Stop quoting your time- worn texts.
Look at your life, for God's sake, Mr. Average Witness!
All this obedience and constricted living is supposed to get you blessings!
Well, does it!!!!????
I simply gave up - both as an elder and a long-time Witness. It was 'one lie
too many, one useless meeting too many, another Saturday morning wasted while I
could have stayed in bed'.( OK, throw in corrupt elders and covered up molestation, too)
And after I gave up? What happened?
No lightning struck me. I didn't drop dead. I wasn't providentially hit by a bus.
In fact, nearly everything got better
My health is better, my job is less hectic, my homelife is relaxed, my investments
are doing OK, I'm doing some college courses and my marriage is stable - and I give
to a number of charities now.
I can't say that all these improvements are because I 'gave up on the truth' (as my
now unfriendly Witness relatives probably feel) but nevertheless they ARE REAL
and , apparently, allowed by the Almighty.
Witnesses get so...... obsessed with 'being in the truth', they lose all perspective
on living - the Watchtower wants you TO BE IN A HURRY, with no free time to think,
expecting the END at any minute, forgeting your birthdays - while the world passes you
by, spinning your wheels, going nowhere.
If a Witness woke up from a twenty year coma now, what would they find different?
Go to meetings, go out in service, and ARMAGEDDON IS ANY DAY NOW!
If you're reading this, when will you wake up from your 'coma'?
Further, I don't know of any other people that are as enslaved to superstition
as JW's are! Superstition is defined as "excessive fear of the God(s)" or "an abject
attitude of irrational fear of God" etc.
If you skip the meetings, what will happen? If you give up on the dead 'ministry',
what will be any different? So what? Will Harry Potter make your kids demonized?
Did a witch used to wear that dress you got at a garage sale? Wake up and get real!
While I was thinking about the Society's condemnation of being 'easy going',
I happened to pass by a church that had Jesus' words carved into it
"My load is easy and my burden is light". !!!!!!!!
And here's something else the Watchtower wants you to avoid seeing: Lots of
worldly people are kind and loving - many of them have good kids - and many are
far better associates than most Witnesses I know! Believe it or not, they're
not all monsters - and some, ordinary folks, sacrificed their lives at 9-11.
Wouldn't it be something if the Watchtower encouraged studies and poll taking
in the organization, instead of forbidding it? So we could MAKE AN HONEST
COMPARISON of things like depression, child abuse, mental illness or suicide?
Wouldn't it be something to actually see what effect the 'truth' REALLY has on
families? Instead of propaganda?
Don't hold your breath.
So, put down your New Translation
I've got blessings, period.
Don't preach to me about God's condemnation
I might see more of it in your dysfunctional 'loyal' life than mine.
I'm not a heathen monster - like in your 'apostate' fantasies
I feel more generous and kindly disposed towards my fellow man
than I ever felt in decades of being a good Witness.
Lurkers! It's time to wake up from the spiritual coma you've been in
Once your eyes get adjusted to the light,
Life can be pretty good