I got on the internet about 45 minures ago and went to E mail. I had one unread e mail from a lady named Kimberlee Norris.
She had questions. Did I have any information about an alledged pedophile Molesting in the Alpine Calif area. Did I have any information that I would be willing to share.
Do I have info? Yeah I do. It is the same ALLEDGED pedophile that molested my daughter when we lived in the Alpine Calif area.
I didn't learn of this abuse of my daughter till later and too much time had passed for criminal action in Calif.
Being a some what fading away jw at that time I went to the elders with this. Well 4or5 sisters came forward with complaints against this ALLEDGED perp and in spite of all this the elders and the wbts decided to do nothing and leave him as an elder preaching from the pulpit about being a righteous christian.
A few years after this and I was df'd then, the local elders asked my daughter to talk to them again as there was some issues still surfacing. Again they chose to do nothing. They as far as I know still use him in talks etc. He is such a good example of a good christian don't you know!
Where Kinberlee got my e mail address and my name I have no idea. Whoever it was knew the perps name, where he lived 30 yrs ago and my name and so on.
Could this be justice at last?? Go Kimberlee!! Yeah right on girl!
Damn this made my day!
YAHOO Outoftheorg