Hi All,
I was sitting in my swing in the back yard yesterday enjoying the beautiful day and watching the birds as they courted, pecked the trees, and sang. It was heart warming to view the creation. Then a robin flew over to the tree above my head and I said no, don't crap on my head. I got to thinking of how circumstances can make you view things so differently. Had the bird crapped on my head I would have disliked birds very much right then.
I thought of my dog, how loving she is while sitting in my lap, but how different I feel when she craps on the rug.
And how warm and loving I feel when my wife and I are making love, but how it changes when she tells me how stupid and lazy I am(Even if it is true).
And what about my grandchildren when they are cuddled in my lap they are so precious, but when they are running through the house yelling and going through my personal stuff, you feel a little different.
When you are one of those who are born again and the preacher is saying hallelujah and praise God and I KNOW I'm headed for heaven and you feel so emotional, but if you don't believe you are saying what a bunch of bull.
So it seems that your contentment and happiness may depend on the circumstances or attitude at the moment, or I'm I all wrong?
I really think you have to balance your life between the two circumstances in everything except religion, here Christ may have said some truth, you can't be luke warm, you are either hot or cold, or does this apply to life in general?
Letting my mind wonder,
Ken P.