I decided to share this recurring dream in hopes I won't have it any more. In this dream I still live with my mother and I've told her and everyone else very plainly that I don't believe JW's have the truth and that I don't want anything to do with it. However, going to the meetings and going from door to door are such habits that I continue to do them anyway. I've haven't done either in real life for over ten years. Feel free to analyse my dream and /or share yours.
recurring dream
by ChrisVance 2 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't dreamed anything about the borg in years, at least that I can recall. The last dreams I can recall about JWs was that it was time to get up to give the public talk and I didn't have it prepared, no notes or outline or any thoughts on the subject. I was just standing there, whewwww.
Most of my dreams are way out, something that would never happen, like night before last I was trying to get an alien woman from another planet pregnant, I think I was forced some way but that is not what I remembered most vividly. Her sex organ had two round holes, one above the other, and when I penetrated one it would come out the other. There was another female alien in a bed across the room laughing at me trying to get the job done. Then my sex partner began laughing at me and my woody deflated, then I woke up. See what I mean by way out??? Sorry if this sounds porno, but I was just recalling a dream.
Ken P.
Dreams server many purposes. One is that they can be self therapy. You often will dream of things you will not do. Next time you are going to sleep, tell yourself that you are going to change the outcome of the dream. You really can do that. I have and I know others who have. You can also ask questions about a previous dream as you are falling asleep and you may get the answer in the next dream. For example, the other night I had a dream where I was carrying a very large box. Yesterday as I was falling asleep I asked what was in the box. I started dreaming about the box and this time it was on the ground and it was open and I could see that it was full of brightly colored sparkly beads. So you do have some control over dreams. Ask why you are dreaming it. Decide how you want it to end.