Are there any here who were Commuter Bethelites.I would enjoy hearing about your experiences when you were a Commuter Bethelite.How did you become one?What was the requirements?And do they still have CB'S anymore.When did they stop it?Blueblades
Commuter Bethelites
by Blueblades 7 Replies latest jw friends
I remember that CB'S were considered Bethelites and accorded all the privileges except they had to sleep outside Bethel.Do you know of some friends or families that were CB'S.and that eventually became full time Bethelites.I remember when this was the big thing in the congregation.Blueblades
it was a shaft program- i recall single sisters getting up at 3-4 AM to catch the trains from NJ to just get to breakfast at 7AM at bethel, the schedule for us who LIVED AT BEHEL WAS demanding and for folks who had to live outside was the shaft, but like everything in wt world we viewed it all as a privilege
how sad
Blueblades...I wasn't in the commuter bethelite daughter was...and some in our congo in upstate NY near the WT farms were...JT is right...these people were run them though, especially the pioneers, it was a huge relief from going door to door...being a commuter was considered a privelege which was a sacred could count your time while there...real easy...they did it at the farm when they needed additional labor (re construction, farming, etc) but didn't have room for people to room. it was at its peak in NY when Patterson was being the skilled labor came from all over and many lived at the Farm while the locals did the dirty work at the farm as the skills wen to build Patterson. I believe it ended about 4 years ago officially. Only a very small handful were rewarded with becoming a full time bethelite...only those fwe with real skills WT needed...I know of a nurse, a draftsman and an auto body man who are still full time coming from the commuter ranks...of course in time, the commuters, with all the farm priveleges (Monday night WT study, family night, morning worship, rubbing elbows with the heavies, etc) often became more aloof to the regulars in the congo ...some became more haughty and judgemental given their new position...some were kicked out of the program (too lazy)...many liked it because it was "easy time".
Once the commuter thing became known outside the area, many single sisters came from all over the US to try to take advantage of this entry in the work...and "rub elbows" with the "cream of the crop" (studs) working was like bees to a field of flowers...quite entertaining...the WT management had to put a stop to them coming...they had little $ and no where to live...more importantly, they were stealing the WT farm boys in marriage...quite entertaining...
: it was a shaft program...
Farkel is ROFLHAO!!!
Why is it that in WatchtowerWorld(tm) the leaders always get what they want and the followers always get the shaft?
Cult: Definition of an Organization in which followers receive the shaft, while the leaders give it.
yes the "WT Shaft" is very common, all jw in one way or another end up getting the shaft
Speaking of "getting the shaft," we had a mascot in the Laundry delivery crew. It was Shafty the Sheep and you would get it whenever you were gonna have to work overtime or through lunch, etc. Interestingly, it looks a lot like the Silent Lambs sheep that were brought to Brooklyn.