What is the best thing .............

by freedom96 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    What is the best thing that has happened to you, from being on this or other ex-jw sites?

    Mine is meeting my wonderful bride. It was another site, and I was just looking around. She had left her story, and I responded to it. We had gone through similar situations, and so I wrote some words of encouragement. Much to my suprise, she wrote back, and though I was not looking for a relationship at the time, my thought was, "Wow, this girl is pretty cool!"

    We e-mailed back and forth, and ultimately talked on the phone. I thought to myself, I better not let this one go. We eventually got married, and I know that looking at that website that one day was the best thing I ever did. I am very lucky. I just wonder where the hell she was years ago!

    After my first disaster, I never thought marriage would be this awesome. I am going to keep this one!!

  • onacruse

    <-------wonders if freedom96 somehow hacked into my e-mail, telephone and ICQ accounts!

    OH YEAH, MAN, OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!


  • bikerchic


    ......and to think we thought we were the only ones!

    RT you and Scarlet oops! I meant freedom96 and Caligirl..........sound just like us!

    Katie (counting the days till we're married.......)

    PS edited due to my having a "senior moment" you kids will catch that some day too.

    Edited by - bikerchic on 13 December 2002 23:4:19

  • DakotaRed

    Well guys, you just never know who is going to come up with an online romance do you??

    You know, this internet love can really work out, can't it?

    Imagine, not even looking for it, determined I would never let it happen to me and sure enough, it did.

    If you guys have any left over airplane tickets, you can always give them to me. I'll put them to good use

    Lew W (of the smitten class)

  • caligirl

    Meeting my husband of course! I could not ask for a more wonderful person to spend the rest of my life with. I was not looking either, but it became very clear, very quickly that I would be a TOTAL idiot to let him get away! I think the key is that neither of us were actively looking to find anyone, so it allowed total and complete honesty- no need to pretend to be someone else.

    By the way, congratulations Katie & Craig! We are so happy for you both! You are going to Vegas right?

  • animal

    I got to meet many cool people, while I learned from thier stories that I wasnt crazy. I also got to see that many ex's have issues that go beyond being JW's, that they would have been miserable in life period, JW or not.


  • Mum

    I went to New York and participated in the Silentlambs march. I took my daughter with me as a birthday present for her. We had a wonderful time. It was the first time I had been to New York since 1971. I had been to New York for an assembly in 1963 and to visit Bethel in 1971. So every visit I've made to that great city is dub or ex-dub related. New York deserves better. So I'm going back in March for fun.

    From there I'm going to London for the Silentlambs march. It will be my first trip to the other side of "the pond."

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