Years ago when I dated a JW who was accepted to Bethel, it was explained to me that applicants had to submit a picture. I never bothered to question this, or ask anybody at the time, but I've always wondered what the point of that was. Does anybody know?
Bethel pictures
by meadow77 6 Replies latest jw friends
Guest 77
That's just to check you out to see if your not on the MOST WANTED FBI list. Just kidding.
Guest 77
Hey Meadow,
I'm not sure, but I have some guesses. It may be simply to see if you have any "worldly" features like multi-colored hair, a facial tatoo, a stylish haircut, dreadlocks, etc. It may also be a way to recognize the new bethelite when they are picked up at the airport (most ask for this service).
When I applied to Bethel, I was wearing a dress shirt, but no tie or jacket in the photo I first submitted. The CO asked for a new picture--"they want me to look like a minister," were his words.
Hope this helps,
Thanx guys, I was starting to wonder if there was an answer to this. I suspected that it was based on some sort of outward appearance standards. I guess the other things like recognition make sense too, I have always wondered though what the official reason was. Thank you for your ideas, and comments.
My quess is Jehovah wouldn't think it good for marketing purposes having a bunch of unspiritual(TM) looking Quasimodo's running around His belltower.
Edited by - Flip on 14 December 2002 4:2:18
William Penwell
When I applied to Bethel, I was wearing a dress shirt, but no tie or jacket in the photo I first submitted. The CO asked for a new picture--"they want me to look like a minister," were his words.
The CO just want to see if you fit into the no brain, mind controling cult. Same way you reconize a Hare Krishna by the way they dress.
When my elder ex-husband was invited to the Pittsburgh Kingdom Ministry School, he was asked to submit a photo as well. We were trained not to think at all or question anything. So we bought a Polaroid camera for the sole purpose of taking a photo. He put on a suit and tie and I took the picture.
Maybe it was to see the race, overall appearance, or some other superficial means of "sizing up" the individual. I'll have to think about this some more...