Hi All,
I went up to my daughters to kick off her old van for my Grandaughter, the battery was dead, she had left the interior lights on. I wasn't thinking properly, I let my car run for a while with the battery cables connected. This is a no no with a GM car. The alternator will blow if the battery isn't charged to at least 12.6 volts and since I was connected to her dead battery it blew my alternator. I had just put a new battery in my car so I got home OK on the battery, although it was dark and I had to burn the lights and run the wipers.
Anyway the car had belonged to my sister-in-law and she had replaced the alternator in 1997 and kept the waranty in the glove compartment. It made me sad to see her husband's name on the receipt, he died a couple of years ago. Anyway it had a life time warranty so I was able to get a new one free. A friend I had worked with a few years ago waited on me so I had no problem with the replacement. It would have cost me $135 dollars if I hadn't had the reciept.
It was a job to replace it though, but everything worked out OK. Now I feel a lot better. Why they use metric bolts on a USA car I don't understand. I don't understand why a little problem like that makes me feel so upset until I get it fixed. It didn't use to matter at all to me. I guess it's my age, maybe?
Ken P.
Edited by - Undecided on 14 December 2002 15:6:21
Edited by - Undecided on 14 December 2002 15:6:35
Edited by - Undecided on 14 December 2002 15:7:23