right to not salute flag

by zehrah 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • zehrah

    hey everyone
    i'm doing a term paper on the flag salute case, mainly the court cases minersville v gobitis and west virginia v. barnette.
    i'm looking for anyone who had a problem with saluting the flag when they were in school.
    or even if you didnt have a problem, i'm just looking for a Witness's feelings concerning what they think the rights of people to not salute the flag are compared to the responsiblities of an american to be patriotic and show their support for the country.
    thank you

    Edited by - zehrah on 14 December 2002 21:46:44

  • ballistic

    I know America is one of the most patriotic countries, but I didn't know it was a "responsibility".

  • Mary

    Hi Zehrah;

    I'm not an American, I'm a Canadian, but here's my two cents worth in case you're interested:

    I personally see no problem with saluting a flag. I know the argument from the Witness' point of view is that it's a form of worship. This simply isn't true. According to the dictionary, the word "worship" means any of the following: Adoration, Adulation, Glory, Veneration, adulate, bless, deification, devotion, exalt, glorify, homage, idolize, immortalize, etc.

    The meaning of the word "salute" is as follows: acknowledge, address, honor, pay tribute, pledge, praise, receive, etc.

    The two words have two totally different meanings, which clearly shows that saluting something like a flag, is not the same as worship......end of story. I find it rather ironic that the Governing Body members refuse to allow their members to "acknowledge, honor, or pay tribute" to a country that guarantees THEM the right to Freedom of Religion. In other words, they'll take full advantage of our country's laws that allows them to do whatever they want, but at the same time, you're not suppose to show them honour or thanks in any way, shape or form. How truly Christian is that??

    I also find it hypocritical, that Witnesses can stand up for a Judge in a court of law to show him "honour", but you can't stand up for the flag to show your country honour.

  • Kenneson

    While I disagree with Jehovah's Witness opposition to flag saluting, nevertheless, I do not believe that they should be forced to salute. Saluting does not necessarily make one a good citizen. One might salute the flag and yet break all types of laws; on the other hand, a person might not salute and could be lawabiding. It should be left up to the individual.

  • animal

    Just like not everyone should vote or drive, not everyone should salute.... many dont have the fortitude and respect in thier heart to do it. It shouldnt be mandatory anywhere, but rather be open to be done by anyone, American or not. It is all about respect.


  • kelsey007

    Though I do not agree with all this country (USA) does I am a law abiding very productive member of our society who does not waive the falg or salute it. When I see the masses stand to allegence I get an overwhelming feeling of a bunch of drones following the orders of the elitist. I agree it is more important to BE than to go through rituals. And the flag salute thing is just a ritual.

  • imanaliento

    I agree with Kenneson, on that, one shouldn't be forced and that it should be up to the individual.

    My sons as witnesses did not salute the flag and now that we are out they still choose not to salute as the word allegience means, devotion (to the flag), so too one nation under God is a bit narrow minded to me as he created the entire earth.

    Edited by - imanaliento on 15 December 2002 14:36:22

  • Beans
  • freedom96

    I believe that the WTS way overreacts to the flag issue. I now do proudly salute the flag, and I am happy to be an American. There are many other good countries out there, and I respect others when they are patriotic in their own country.

    I do believe people should have the choice, but allow each their own.

    I do think that is disrespectful though, to flaunt their stance on the issue, in front of those who put their lives in danger, to protect our rights. For those who went to war, who served in the armed services,to those who lost children or parents.

  • Beans

    So every year as you all know you have to tell your teacher that you have to stand outside for the Anthem and every year I kept putting it off realizing the stupidity of it as well as being singled out. Once I reached High School I would only tell a few teachers after grade nine until I got closer to my departure from this screwed up religion and then I proudly sang and stood for the Anthem!

    In Canada I think we were really saluting the Queen but it is the same concept.


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