For those whose were interested in the preaching work being MORE informative to the people at the door,
consider this.......
You did not sign anything when you "became a JW" and if you have left , drifted or even been D/Fd you most likely did not OFFICAILLY declare your statment to not be a JW.
SO then by the power vested in freedom of still are...which means of course you are protected under the same
ridiculous laws the faithful attenders are........
Would it not be WONDERFUL to go out an actually share with the people at the door the beliefs of JWS......... nothing can be done to you... you are using all material printed by them........ all their false prophecies ...all of their ridiculous stances on dealing with children.......
your message may be to tell the householder you ar just taking an interest inthe community and informing them of bleiefs current and past....
If they are allowed to go out so are you.. you can go casual , if you like .....
I would suggest not meeting at the kingdom hall prior to going 8&>