Charles Kluephel says that he is a Utilitarian;The seeking of the greatest good for the greatest number.He goes on to say that,"Religious faith can be a great good for people,enabling them to enjoy life in their own way while they are here.Those who enjoy what religious believers call the gift of faith do indeed have a valuable life enhancing ability not to suffer the uncertainty that comes of the belief that there are no known answers to, say,life after death."
He continues,"This is even true for the atheist, who can enjoy life in his own way,while it lasts,without fear of a worse afterlife.Even those who reject religion and the Spirit can have a life-enhancing faith that when they die,that's all there is.This in some ways more comforting than the unknown."
So, the best advice that he can offer is;"To go with whatever you can believe".
"Why is there something rather than nothing?" Martin Gardner.
Is the physical universe a product of mind?
I don't ascribe to any of this .Just thought I would post it for whatever its worth. Blueblades who is still in the Twilight Zone.
To think there is a God is Absurd! But to think there is NO God is even more Absurd". Steve Allen.