Christmas card for WT-elders

by Carlo 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carlo


    I feel to send christmas cards to WT-elders. I will wish them a merry christmas, a happy new year and the hope that The Witchpower Society will have even more decrease in the year to come, than in the years before.

    Do you know of any arrogant WT-elders. Then hand me over their names and postal addresses. I will send them a greating and wish I were a fly on the wall, whan they recieve a christmas card, with a foreign stamp on.


  • Scully

    Actually Carlo

    I think it would be even funnier to abduct the entire elder body (6 different abductions, simultaneously in my former cong) and then while they are unconscious and blindfolded, Krazy glue white beards and red velvet suits to them. Drop them all back at the KH just in time for the chloroform to wear off, just as people start showing up for the meeting.

    Another team would be Krazy gluing Christmas lights all over the KH and putting up a tree by the front door. A big sign would be outside that says "New Light Provided - Merry Christmas you Friggin Grinches!!"

    Love, Scully

  • unclebruce

    A Watchtower Christmas card?: there ain't no such animal .. but there's a song:

    "riding through the snow,

    to the doors we go,

    ringing on the bell,

    with good news to tell" ..

    come on [b]all together now![b] "jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way ..oh what fun it is to preach and teach on chistmas day .. HEY .. jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way .. after this we'll all get pissed and snooze the night away"

    come to the kingdom hall,

    you're gonna have a ball,

    spend ten years in bible class,

    and end up with sweet fuck all!

    self-amusing unc

  • Mary

    Scully said: "....I think it would be even funnier to abduct the entire elder body and then while they are unconscious and blindfolded, Krazy glue white beards and red velvet suits to them. Drop them all back at the KH just in time for the chloroform to wear off, just as people start showing up for the meeting........."

    Oh my god...........I would pay ANYTHING to see that! I know one fat slob of an elder I'd like to do this to.......then I'd stick a reindeer hoof up his ass and glue his feet to the front sidewalk at the Hall so everyone could go by and enjoy!!!

    ".....Another team would be Krazy gluing Christmas lights all over the KH and putting up a tree by the front door. A big sign would be outside that says "New Light Provided - Merry Christmas you Friggin Grinches!!....."


  • Robdar


    What a great idea! I wish that I knew some uppity elders for you to wish a merry Christmas to but I don't. *Sigh*



  • Yerusalyim

    Better yet, get a pic of the Elder body for a particular congregation, digitally manipulate the photo to show them at a Christmas party dressed as Santa and elves, make it into a card format, and send the cards out to the whole congregation. WOOHOOO!

  • TR


    Find a Kingdom Hall with an outside electrical outlet and plug in some cheap Christmas lights.


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