Hi everyone:
I could not help but to wonder, how a fourteen year old JW of today would feel if he/she were to attempt to partake of the Memorial Supper. Just what would, or could the congregation do in this case? They, would no doubt, set themself up as judges, and haul this person into the committee room. However, the fourteen year old of today, could refer the congregation elders to the Master index to Zions Watchtower, number 5921.
There we are told in a letter, that a fourteen year old brother was in prison, for refusing to go into the military. He was released for a short period of time, on the night of April 16th, not only to attend the Memorial supper, BUT TO PARTAKE OF THE MEMORIAL SUPPER. Remember, If he were not of the anointed, then there would have not been any need for others to come to the prison to celebrate the Memorial with him. The Memorial service had to be brought to him.How many fourteen year old brothers would be visited today, on Memorial night mind you, especially if they were in prison, unless THEY WERE OF THE ANOINTED.
Now lets take a moment , and just think of the circumstances, involved here. First, this fourteen year old martyr would have had to of been already accepted as an anointed one. Second, a brother or two would have had to of gone to the prison, with the emblems (bread&wine). Third, a request by these brothers to the prison officials, had to of been granted. Fourth, the entire Memorial Supper had to of been conducted with prayer, and approved by those brothers who were taking the lead. Also if there were any other of the anointed in their congregation, well they would have had to of approved of this action also.
This fourteen year old was considered to be a martyr. Which brings a host of questions to mind.
If it is the Holy Spirit that dwells in a person, which lets this person know whether they are of the anointed or not, then should not all JWs, be of the anointed?
Are the anointed of Jehovahs Witnesses assisted by Holy Spirit, and the Great Croud assisted by some other spirit? What if in this case, we were refering to a fourteen year old sister. would she feel safe as an anointed one in the congregation, knowing that 27,000 of them could be molesters?
All jws who find a listening ear in the ministry work, claim that it was the Holy Spirit that led them there. If a jw sees that there was a car accident up ahead in the road,they claim that the Holy Spirit saved him/her from this disaster. When a jw gets the job he/she really wanted, they claim that the Holy Spirit made conditions just right for the success. When a jw is looking for a mate, they claim that the Holy Spirit guided their mate to them.
So, if a jws life is so intertwined with Holy Spirit, then why are they allowing the Watchtower to seperate them, from a relationship that can only be known by the person himself or herself and God? Not to mention that if this fourteen year old brother, was classified as a martyr, then what about all of those down thru the centuries, who have died for the faith. Surely if someone were to start counting backwards, of all of those of past history, who died because the Holy Spirit was so strong within them, that they laid down their life for doing what was right, well we would all have to agree that the sum total would certainly be more than 144,000.
Today, I dont even think the emblems would be passed within ten feet of a fourteen year old person claiming to be of the anointed. Or even if the jws would allow the person in the kingdom hall. One thing is for sure though, The Holy Spirit is not partial. But since the Watchtower has placed its laws and regulations above even that of Gods, then only time will tell just how much longer they will be able to stand. Since the door was shut around 1930 or 1935, on the subject of the anointed, then anyone with such a strong feeling within them today, must have to hide this Holy Spirit within them. Or they must feel that there is something wrong with them. Can you imagine, a person having to hide the fact that they feel of the anointed, but can not reveal this blessing because the Watchtower denies them this honor? Even worse than this, is to seperate Gods people in any way at all. To classify anyone as having more or less of The Holy Spirit, than another, is placing oneself up as a God, and I guess the Watchtower has done just that.
They are very proud of their accomplishments. PRIDE IS BEFORE A FALL.
Satan has been proud of his accomplishments too. PRIDE IS BEFORE A FALL.