Most people I know basically believe that JWs are unconvertible from their faith. This, I believe, comes from their dissappointments and frustrations at being able to convince JWs to convert, or even just to leave.
I work in the counselling field and we have a similar problem with 'difficult' clients who also don't seem to respond to anything. These clients also lead counsellors to become cynical as to these clients character, their ability, their 'true' motivation, or whatever meaning they can attach to the non-responding part. (Actually I think the JWs also talk about those who are resistant to the Truth). In counselling, when the counsellor looses hope and belief that the person can change is a high predictor that they will not be able to help this person any further. Cynicism lends itself to despair. Where there is hope, there is possibility.
A modern philosophy in counselling is to stop focussing on the non-change parts and focus on the parts that do change and ask "What works that seem to help these people that do change?" - and do more of it. What is it that works in successful therapy? When this is answered, the advice is "do more of it."
I know from the ex-JWs out there that there are many who have actually left the WT. Some of these people would have been labelled "hard nuts to crack" and "impossible" by those who at one time tried to persuade them but without success. Yet, they are out now.
I would be most interested in finding out the common factors of what helped people towards making a decision to leave, and actually leaving the WT. What role did others have in this? What might have assisted this? What things were obstacles or hinderances? How were these overcome? What role did the 'outsider' (that is person trying win over the JW) have in this? What were the personal qualities of the 'outsider'? What were some of the signs to an outsider that a JW is having doubts, and how can this knowledge maximise our effectiveness in bringing these up in a manner that it is 'safe' enough for the JW to discuss or consider? For those who have helped a JW out, what are the factors that you believed 'worked' with you? If someone was involved in helping you out, What did they do that was helpful? What things seemed to help the JW open his mind and what things seem to trigger it shut. I can't answer these because I have not been instrumental, to my knowledge, in leading someone out, neither am I an ex-JW.
I imagine that ex-JWs on this board might be able to give clues as to this. Hopefully I might be able to use some of the ideas of what was most helpful, to translate them into my contacts with a JW couple in their next visit.
Will be looking forward to your feedback.