Nicer Than God

by Yizuman 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yizuman

    This is from the Bob Enyart website...he explains pretty clearly why some people are turned off to Christianity, even by secular Christians. Some folks here believe they are much nicer than God and think God is (or thinks sometimes is) wrong and questions his motives.


  • SixofNine

    The god of the bible is wrong more often than not, has goofy motives, and is generally not nearly as nice a guy as me. He's a lousy problem solver, and a passive agressive communicator. He is in fact, a reflection of the religious yahoo's who conjured him and wrote about their insane beliefs.

    Three lines to explain thousands of years of mankinds turmoil. Am I good or what? Oh wait, nomen is good.

  • Navigator


    The operative phrase in your post is "The God of the Bible". I would have to agree with you on that score, but I don't really believe they knew anything about God.

    Edited by - Navigator on 16 December 2002 23:34:22

  • SixofNine

    but I don't really believe they knew anything about God.

    Agreed, but then again, they had about as much to go on as we do. For all the incredible advances in knowledge of the last 100 years, "god" is only less well defined than the best minds could conceive 1000 years ago.

    I'm beginning to think we've found the exception to the maxim. There is such a thing as a stupid question. All the questions about god become stupid, when asked long enough and with enough mind-numbing emotion behind them. What's that common definition of insanity again?

  • teenyuck

    I know that I, for one, am nicer than a figment of a sheep herders imagination!! I would not go chase them through a pasture and "do things."

    I think OUTLAW and Farkel are too.

  • teenyuck

    Oh yeah, one more thing......

    What is your JW connection? Were you one? Are you one? Did you date one? Were your friends dubs? Was your family dub? Who and When?

    We still don't know. You have ducked the questions on every thread where they have been asked.

    So, fess up....I'll pretend I am god and you can tell us why you are here.

  • NameWithheld
    What's that common definition of insanity again?

    No kidding six! And to the original question above, the answer is YES, I am a much much better/nicer person than god. Last I checked I didn't mistreat/ignore people/animals whom I was responsible for caring for. Nor do I demand they worship me or die.

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