Hi Nelly,,,,,,,,, yes what you are experiencing is totally normal. I had nightmares so bad I went to my doctor, he was shocked at the things I told him about being JW. He just said they are very very wrong,,,,,,,,, you need to stay out of that place. That was a year ago.
My nightmares were very frequent when I choose to leave ,,,,,,,, they lasted a few months, and then as my mind accepted the choice I made, the nightmares got less frightening. I don' t have many armeggedon dreams anymore. It seems like one day the dreams just stopped bothing me. I started analyzing them and that helped me to not be so afraid to dream. It really worked and I found out alot about what my true fears were.
For me leaving the JW was pure emotional when it came to the saddness. I didnt care about all the lies and doctrine issues at first, it tore my heart to leave Jehovah. It took me time to realize that I had been in a real cult, was under mind control. My mind was working agaisnt me at first bringing up all the fears the WT had ever instilled in me.
Once I fought back,,,,,,,,lol...... sounds funny , but I had to fight my own inner demons , so to speak, on this, I became more and more free.
Free to think for myself and free of the mind control.
IT takes time , Nelly, I am still working out so many issues. But I can tell you on the road I have been on this last year, the nightmares should end soon......... maybe not all together but they will ease up. Really do alot of meditating on how much you want to be a free thinker and all the things you want out of life and you mind will soon join forces with the side that is still hanging on to JW.
I am having to tell myself this same thing everyday... everyday I still have doubts and fears, but I am able to feel at peace with my choices.
Hope everything works out for you Nelly,,,,,,,,,,,,, if ya ever need to talk, my email is alwasy open,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hugs, LyinEyes/Dede